Fed funding for local, safe, legal syringe exchange at risk in the Senate. Email alert -
I've got this call to support Syringe Exchange Program funding from a number of organizations following the legislative process. Currently, states can make their own decisions on use of federal health care funds for SEP's. A rider is being considered in Congress to negate that.
Those of us "in the field" strongly oppose the rider and see SEP as a basic piece of public health care initiatives. ~ pinto

Keep Calling the Senate About Syringe Exchange!! It's Not Over Until
It's Over!!
The Senate Needs to be Targeted!
More Info Visit this page:
Negotiations are in the concluding stages. We have heard that the
White House supports maintaining current Syringe Exchange law but that
the Senate continues to be a problem. Please call Senators Reid,
Durbin, Schumer, Inouye and Harkin. Even if you've made a call
already we need to get calls in to the Senate. We need to keep the
pressure on the Senate. If you can only make one call, please call
Senator Reid.
Here are the numbers:
*Harry Reid (D-NV) Majority Leader: 202-224-3542
*Dick Durbin (D) Majority Whip, Financial Services Subcommittee Chair:
*Chuck Schumer (D) Democratic Policy Committee Chair: 202-224-6542
*Daniel Inouye (D) Appropriations Chairman: 202-224-3934
*Tom Harkin (D) Labor, HHS Subcommittee Chair: 202-224-3254
The Message for all of the Senators including Senator Reid is:
My name is _______. I live in <Your City, State>. I support
maintaining current language that allows local officials to make their
own decisions to use federal and local Washington DC funds for Syringe
Exchange. Please do not change the current law in the Fiscal Year
2012 Appropriations negotiations. Thank you.