Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumGot an email from long term disability insurance co
My nerves freak me out whenever they contact me. I had to take an anti-anxiety med. The email had a password I had to reset, making it an even longer time before I could read it. I'm always worried they're cutting me off, thus I won't have money for my COBRA.
They want more information from my doctors, plus all my social security information. I have no idea how to get that from them, to the ins company. I called my lawyer and forwarded the email to them.
The whole thing is so stressful. If I don't do it by a certain date, I'll get cut off. I need a printer cartridge to print these letters out. I need hard copies due to cognitive issues, so I can refer back.
Disability is so hard.

(162,218 posts)it sounds, well, phishy
(15,442 posts)No, it's for real. I hate interacting with them, but I have to
(162,218 posts)that is definitely the best strategy
(15,442 posts)SheltieLover
(63,521 posts)Then you don't need to print.
(15,442 posts)I'm worried that I'm making my lawyer mad. They're very good about sending answer letters, and it's been 10 days since I called with my last question about paying the LTD back. Which is scary to me. I'm hoping the lawyer could explain it better in writing.
(63,521 posts)Slowly. Like brearhe in to a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, & exhale to count of 4. Can really help anxiety level.
(15,442 posts)SheltieLover
(63,521 posts)
(15,442 posts)I'll make calls tomorrow. I HATE dealing with this stuff. I'm so burned out
(63,521 posts)
(15,442 posts)It's absorbing.
(63,521 posts)
(51,308 posts)I know you already know that, but sometimes we forget under stress.
I live in walking distance of my library, but when dealing with an issue a few years ago, I almost bought a new printer because of paperwork. Then I remembered.
During Covid, they didnt even charge for printing!
Hang in there.
(15,442 posts)I hate going into my library because I used to work there, and I'm embarrassed. But if ya gotta, ya gotta.
(51,308 posts)I do understand that being uncomfortable, absolutely.
Anyway, NO WAY you should be embarrassed.
(7,324 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,325 posts)from the doctors. Disability is not easy to get, and people haven't a clue how fully documented the disability needs to be. I used to work for an attorney who did Social Security Disability appeals. There's a myth out there that they always turn a person down the first time they apply. No, it's that people don't submit the many papers and forms and every bit of medical information that supports the disability.
The main thing I did for this attorney was to go to local Social Security offices and photocopy her clients' records. They were hundreds and hundreds of pages.
(23,196 posts)mess with me, like one asked why I couldn't just take my anti-anxiety meds and go to work?
I had a lawyer also and they told me to not talk to them. I think it is a good idea to hand everything over to your lawyer.
One more thing that I learned. I had a friend who went to their doctor and acted like she had her shit together and just chatted with the guy. She was turned down. When went I just acted confused and depressed which was not lying but usually I was able to hide those things from regular people. I figured that doctor should see me at my worst so I was not faking it but I certainly did not "put on a happy face" for him.
I don't know if they still make you go to one of their doctors.
I wish you the best. I know the process can be long and stressful.
(15,442 posts)I got a great lawyer who works with my doctor. They told me the same. If the LTD gets cut off, let them deal with it.
So far, my first turn down, was this assessor I was sent to. Not a doctor. She spoke to me 10 minutes and wrote 8 pages to turn me down.