Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumThe world seems unsafe and unfair
Life IS unfair. I know that. But, due to anxiety, feeling unsafe is very scary.
I lost a great job, laid off, in 2010. A job I studied for, took classes for. I was making a great salary for a female in the South. I felt proud of my job. But, new CEO came in (another disgusting story), and I was among those laid off. I needed health benefits asap, since I'd had a melanoma removed 5 months prior to layoff.
Found a comparable job in the next state. 25k salary cut. But, we found a beautiful condo we rented, and loved. The job was okay, but the salary was low-ish. Started looking around, and found a job a few hundred miles away that paid 10k more.
Moved, lost beautiful condo. New job was pretty bad. But, I just found out the job I just left position would have been eliminated due to a merger! IOW, I would have been laid off a second time in two years! I don't think. With my mental issues, I could have gone through another layoff. So, as bad as this job was, at least I left disabled and wasn't struck off in layoffs. So, that's something, I guess.
Corporations absolutely should be punished for layoffs. They destroy lives.

(36,594 posts)
(63,519 posts)
(7,324 posts)But like heroin, we just cannot seem to stop doing it. It has taken control of us so completely that we cannot even stop ourselves from picking a flower when we see it. Because WE have to have it and screw anyone else being able to see and enjoy it. It is a disease without a cure... except the sure is to stop. But...
(36,594 posts)to this shit. So long as pukes are allowed to rule by minority, we'll continue to be killed.
(63,519 posts)Glad you are doing well now, though!
(39,139 posts)As long as they make profit, they don't care what harm they do to individuals, communities, or the environment.
I'm sorry for your hardship & hope things get better at your job.
(15,442 posts)It all got to be too much after 36 years, so I went out disabled. No more layoffs is the upside, I guess
(21,320 posts)Unfair is a cleft palate, or a bad accident, a low IQ, etc.
Unjust is what we do to each other.
Yes, life is sometimes
unfair. I can accept that. It is the injustices that piss me off.
My unnecessary rant for the day.
Not Heidi
(1,496 posts)XanaDUer . . . 🫂❤️
(15,442 posts)