Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumI think I better understand my narcissist father tried to control me, later
tried to destroy me: his wife/my mother.
My parents were both enhanced intellectualists. My father was a medical doctor and my mother graduated from two premiere independent women's colleges, Barnard and Wellesley, with a BA and MA in 1950, which was rare.
My father came from a small town in PA and my mother came from Brooklyn.
There were conflicts. While my father desired to have a wife more for status than for love, he also wanted a housewife who would raise his family. (This was in the early 50s.) He wouldn't let her seek employment after we were old enough to fend for ourselves.
Natually, there were arguments and underlying the topics were my father wanting my mother not to argue with him and to do whatever he wanted without question. Plus my father's attitude was black-and-white, while my mother's was shades of grey.
When I realized that my father often employed poor judgment (even as a child), I resisted and argued.
I suppose my father thought that made his domicile "unstable" with a 2 to 1 advantage. (I often argued better than my mother.)
My point: My independence (so to speak) made it more difficult to control my mother as it looked as though she had a passive ally. He couldn't have that. Plus, in his mind, my readiness to argue made me unmarketable for future marriage prospects.
And consistently, my father berated me, threatened me, tried to manipulate me, employed my sister in his efforts to control me, and more.
One can also make an argument that this was a Freudian Transference of Hostility where he attacked me instead of his wife/my mother.
Not that the pain and outrage have meaningfully lessened, but I can now see the bigger picture. It was personal, yet not personal.
And no, I still have not forgiven him.

(48,966 posts)There's the source of mental rigidity right there. At least you resisted and fought back. Some don't.
(30,072 posts)which appears to exist Everywhere.
(72,171 posts)since the plague, every time i have a hard time getting along w ppl, i assume its me. that ive gotten crankier, crazier. but its the world these days. were all bent now.
but i had a brief thing w this guy i know that was like this. i had flirted w him for a while, and it seemed to be welcome. hes a huggy guy, described himself as open hearted lover. hes quite a bit younger than me, but not crazy younger.
after a long deep convo, as i was leaving his place, i gave him a friendly little peck goodbye. like a mom kiss. well, he latched on, and we spent about 20 min making out on his couch. left it w- yeah, maybe.
a couple hours later, hes freaking out. it was a terrible mistake, never happen again, yada yada.
i turned myself inside out, trying to figure out how it happened, what i did wrong, how to fix it.
many, many words later, we were back to friends. next time i saw him, it was late, he was doing me a favor, hes been working hard for several days, and i just reflexively started to rub his shoulders after he turned his back to me.
omg. atomic meltdown. blocked my phone #, blocked me on fb. at that point i realized i had tripped some trigger on him. started to think it wasnt me.
told the story to a mutual friend, who had an even crazier story along the same lines. phew. not me.
then the other day i met a friend of this friend. i started telling this story, and she said- is this about josh? yes. yeah, ive heard about a half dozen stories just like this. including that he seems to maintain a cadre of older women w crushes on him.
just rly brought home how hard it is to understand other ppl. how hard it is to rly know how ppl feel about us, and how hard to know what they mean by the word love.
i was married for 30 yrs to a guy who could not answer the question- why do you love me?
he never, ever had a good answer. his mom was a world class bitch. he never learned how, rly.
8 yrs later, im almost convinced im lovable. were just all puzzles w pieces missing. its a wonder we fit together well enough to have a next gen.
its a good place to heal- its not me. i didnt deserve it. there is no nurturing to be had w a broken person.
i should make a sampler.