Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumI have a question: how come posts in this forum end up on the Greatest Page?
This forum is a safe space. The Greatest Page is not. I was kind of upset when a post of mine in here ended up in the GP. Everyone who responded was kind, but theres a reason I posted here instead of in the Lounge (for example). I know mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of AND some people may weaponize the knowledge to the detriment of the poster. Anyway, mental illness - and all medical stuff - is personal and posters may not want their struggles bandied about to a wider audience. Since my post went up in the GP, Ive been hesitant to post my struggles here. What do you all think?

(45,562 posts)Thats what sends things to the greatest page. I guess you could request people not recommend sensitive posts.
(29,372 posts)Im asking WHY. Pretty sure EarlG and elad can turn off the rec feature in forums. Just wondering if anyone else feels like it would be a good thing ask.
(8,080 posts)ended up feeling exposed but I hope you would feel good that so many people want to share what you are going through and offer their help and kindness. We care and hope you would continue to share you problems with the rest of us and see us as a support group.
(4,937 posts)I click on Latest Threads which shows all forums and groups. Every time I post at all, I know the world is watching. Usually I don't care. I'm not that interesting and bots surely skip past me like a bump on a log.
Just don't post details about your identity.
(29,372 posts)I remember they blocked posts from the Lounge. They changed it a year or so later due to popular demand. The Photography Group had to ask permission to post the photo contests in GD so the contests could make it to the GP. Im not concerned about the wider world knowing my business on this anonymous site, but some members - even some longtime members - can be pretty mean, petty, and dismissive. Thats what Id like to avoid.
(4,937 posts)femmedem
(8,490 posts)But I'll be more careful about Rec'ing posts here. It hadn't occurred to me that people might want to keep their posts off the Greatest Page since we have anonymous user names. But it's true that although you were lucky that people were kind, once a post is on the Great Page more people with less experience with mental illness are likely to see and respond.
It really bothered me when it happened and then I forgot about it until I saw someone elses post on there today.
(23,342 posts)Instead, write to the Administrators and explain your request. They are very helpful, responsive and sensitive to people's issues.
Here's the link to their page:
Good luck!
Ive been on DU a long time but only recently (relatively) started coming in here. Wasnt sure if there was history around this. And I also wouldnt want to assume everyone in the forum would agree with me. But I remember way back when the GP was created, you couldnt rec posts from the Lounge, so pretty sure groups and subgroups can be sequestered from the GP. Which may be completely moot in DU4