Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumGot off the phone with a former co-worker
I haven't seen in 20 yrs. It was like we'd just talked. We laughed and reminiced. So much has happened since we saw each other. Really lifted my mood.

(138,725 posts)EYESORE 9001
(27,870 posts)Its uplifting, for sure. It fills me with gratitude for having made contact after such a long time. Fills me with satisfaction because it signifies continuity to me.
(24,961 posts)only 3 or so that we really worked closely together, and the 3 of us thought the world of each of us, and would do anything for each other. Sometimes we are lucky that we run into such people, they make the world go round and round, and makes your day fly by!
Lucky you!
(7,400 posts)So, one of the hard lessons I had to learn in life was taught to me by several people who I had thought were my friends but when I did this little test, I learned who was who. I simply waited to hear from them as opposed to calling them myself. I had been the one doing all the calling anyway because I had been forced to move back home, which was around 180 miles away. Suffice to say, out of a circle of 6 friends I heard from exactly one. It was pretty eye opening. So, I understand completely when one hears from someone who they once knew and then heard from again. It has only happened to me twice in my life. (So far.) I am glad you got to enjoy it.
(15,568 posts)I reached out by finding her work email. But it was worth it. But I'm always the one reaching out, even with family. Its depressing. Why do I always have to teach out first? My family ignores me. I could be homeless for all they care.
I've cut back on reaching out. I tested one by texting him. We were very close as kids. Nope, radio silence
(7,400 posts)I just do not see the need to worry about it anymore. I am not one to sit by the phone (something we old people used to do when we wanted to talk to someone) but after four months and nothing? That's okay, I have better things to do. Oh, those 'friends' and I do chat on rare occasions, but the thing I thought I was a part of never existed it seems, so now I just do the old 'smile and wave' thing. Fuck people who mislead others into thinking they might give a shit about them. I know how this sounds, but nowadays I need some proof that one is worth my trust and friendship. Sorry, but been burned too many times.
(15,568 posts)Why not?