Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumRoller coaster ride
Not the fun kind at the amusement park, but the up and down journey with an adult child with mental illness. I am doing the best I can. It's a long and winding road. I don't have all the answers. I will never claim to. Some days are better than others. But I have to check myself. I don't want to walk on eggshells. I don't want to hold back. I refuse to deny. I won't lecture or judge. But I have to take an open and honest inventory. I know my strengths and continue to work on my weaknesses. I won't give in to doubt and self-blame, worry or fear. Thar helps no one. I will keep fighting. I will keep seeking support and answers. One day at a time.

Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)That is key for your own well-being. I doubt that there is anything that you did to harm your son.
(37,468 posts)Your son will (or maybe already does) appreciate your steadfast support, despite the problems. I wish my mom had been more like you, but this is not my OP. Keep up the good work
proud patriot
(101,612 posts)my 22 yr old is struggling with rage long diagnosed with bi polar .. dr's appt Friday .. some days are so hard
no words can express it .. sending you love ..