Weight Loss/Maintenance
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Went to the dr for the first time in a long time because I have insurance (YAY ACA!). It's an HMO which is all they have in my rural area, but better than nothing.
I got high cholesterol, and am pre-diabetic and hypothyroid (Hashimoto's since age 11). I also have a couple of major food allergies (deadly nightshade group (tomatoes, peppers, any kind of pepper that is a fruit) and shellfish.
The physician's assistant wants me to either do Weight Watchers or something called DASH. She said a couple of pounds a week would be fine.
A few years ago I tried South Beach, where you can basically live on bacon. Protein and fat. No carbs whatever. First two weeks protein and fat. I lost weight but I was still hungry from not getting carbs. My brain could tell the diff within 2 hours of starting. I couldn't last the full two weeks.
Anybody know anything about these?

(22,437 posts)Last year I utilized the Dukan Diet from May through November.
I lost about 60 pounds. My blood did THIS:
> Fasting Glucose was: 122 Is: 99mg/dl
> Cholesterol was: 236 Is: 147mg/dl
> HDL was: 39 Is: 54
> LDL was: 146 Is: 74
> Triglycerides was: 257 Is: 94
I'm due for another round of blood tests in April, but I look and feel
Like South Beach diet, the Dukan diet does not allow carbs. That said, I
was not really hungry, because the high protein consumption kept me full.
I admit that tomatoes and peppers were a mainstay for me, but the diet
can be adhered to without them.
I've tried Weight Watchers, which didn't work for me. I am far too solitary for
weigh-ins and I have trouble with portion control.
I have lost weight on the South Beach in the past, but not a significant amount.
Also, simple calorie counting worked for me in my youth.
The Dukan diet seemed to be created especially for me, as I could eat to fulfillment.
The days of protein, alternating with the days of protein and vegetables kept me involved
and excited. My weekend grill ups became legendary!
I stuck to the diet very strictly, and found that the Dukan formula worked EXACTLY
as calculated. I've been off the diet for 2 months now, and haven't really gained any
weight back (a pound or two fluctuation) even after eating my way way through the
carb-tastic holidays.
I have upped my exercise program, and I try to stay off of the carbs, in general.
I was lucky to have a supportive husband and a diet buddy here on DU, with whom
I checked in every other morning.
I would like to lose another 10 pounds, but I'm hoping it will gradually come off through
healthy eating and exercise.
(17,276 posts)Weight watchers lets you eat anything as long as you track amounts. Problem with that is you can eat sugar and refined carbs which don't fill you up, but actually make you hungrier. Dash is more about good quality foods--low in sugars and refined carbs, but you can still have carbs: fruits, vegetables, dairy, whole grains. Stuff that's good for you and fills you up. Dash you can do yourself and Weight Watchers is $$$$!
The biggest thing to remember is that sugar will make you hungrier. Causes your body to store fat rather than burn calories, and the insulin blocks leptin, the fullness hormone.
Especially when you are pre-diabetic, because you will have some insulin resistance. This means you will have more insulin circulating in your system when you eat carbs. Don't go to zero carbs, go to good carbs, things like whole grains, vegetables and fruits, all of which have fiber and which will slow down the blood sugar rises and insulin response.
So look at Dash, learn what's good to eat, watch the amounts a bit, get some exercise (which also helps clear sugar out of your blood), and good luck!
Let food be your medicine!
Response to Manifestor_of_Light (Original post)
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