Weight Loss/Maintenance
Related: About this forumHashimoto's Thyroiditis
I've gained almost 60 pounds in 25 years despite a healthy diet with controlled portions and walking every day (3 to 4.5 miles). My labs show a very high thyroid antibody and I'm going to an endocrinologist in a couple of weeks for a confirmation of my guess that I have Hashi's.
I know that there are medications like Synthroid for the missing thyroid hormones, but will I *ever* lose weight again? Or will I level out on my current weight? Or will I continue to gain weight?
Is there a better alternative than an endocrinologist? I've heard that Hashi's is an auto-immune condition and many traditional doctors don't treat it as such.

(45,728 posts)I don't have Hashimoto's but I do have an autoimmune disorder.
He is doing really really really well since he eliminated grain carbohydrates from his diet several years ago. Lean, healthy, full of energy, feels great!
It is basically a version of the paleo diet.
Let me dig around there is an author he told me about as well as a documentary.
(50,434 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)Will try to find an article or two today. I need to correct myself, he eliminated dairy and legumes as well as grains. I am working on that as well but not perfect, but even so I have more energy and am losing weight.
(12,858 posts)In 77 in Nfld CA I was diagnosed with low thyroid. Learned then that standard test for this used in US often doesn't catch this. Visiting expert on Hashimoto's disease thought I had it, did test and found it. IIRC he said 2 often go together.
I was in hospital because of symptoms that led to diagnosis of pernicious anemia, also an auto-immune disease. Much later I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, another one. Was told that once you have 1 auto-immune disease you're much more likely to get more. Sigh. (Was told diabetes is also an auto-immune disease. Mega sigh.)
(45,728 posts)Polymyalgia Rheumatica (which is called an "inflammatory disorder" but may not be classified as auto-immune.
So the theory about autoimmune disorders is that they are linked to "increased intestinal permeability"
Essentially thought is
- first, you have to have a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disorders
- the lining of your "gut" gets damaged by certain foods so that it becomes permeable
- stuff leaks thru the wall of your gut and your immune system goes kinda nuts attacking that stuff. Hence the fatigue etc
- you can heal the leaky gut over a period of time through cutting foods out of your diet
I have a paper notebook with tons of notes and links, of course I can't find it.
Still digging! I will find it!
(45,728 posts)Things just got crazy
(50,434 posts)A. Endocrinologist (thyroid)
B. Gastroenterologist (leaky gut)
C. Is there a specialist in auto-immune disorders?
(45,728 posts)There are some docs that are up on autoimmune disorders and the latest research but not every doc is. I was able to see my friend's doc who is an MD but is a holistic physician. His story is that his wife has an autoimmune disorder but was not getting relief from traditional medicine. So he started digging in hard on autoimmune.
I finally found my missing notebook (from my Dr. visit), and I got some links from my buddy to some excellent thyroid discussion boards and some other online resources. I am gonna try to get some time this afternoon to post this stuff.
(45,728 posts)Autoimmune Paleo Diet
She has a documentary series I have seen that was informative about Hashimoto's but I'm having a hard time tracking down a link which doesn't require a sign up. My friend liked the documentary but hasn't read any of her books as he feels like he know enough and wouldn't benefit.
(45,728 posts)http://HealthUnlocked.com (He says "Large and responsive forum Thyroid UK for thyroid stuff including Hashimoto's)
He also recommended Mary Shomon's twitter feed as a great resource for thyroid information. You don't have to be a twitter member to access it.
(45,728 posts)Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D.
You could probably find all this stuff in the book on the internet, however this book puts it all in one place. The author has a PhD in medical biophysics but she has a very readable style.
I got on iBooks store but here is a link to Amazon, which describes the book:
They have 9.99 ebook version, I believe I paid similar at iBooks
(45,728 posts)http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/03/what-is-leaky-gut-and-how-can-it-cause.html
Why Grains Are BadPart 1, Lectins and the Gut
How Do Grains, Legumes and Dairy Cause a Leaky Gut? Part 2: Saponins and Protease Inhibitors
Why Grains Are Bad: Part 3, Nutrient Density and Acidity
What Should You Eat To Heal a Leaky Gut?
(31,718 posts)I have Graves Disease.
My thyroid was hyperactive, so my endocrinologist had it destroyed with radioactivity. I no longer have a functioning thyroid at all. At first, I took synthroid. It was nasty. Now I take Armour thyroid and it works well for me, without side effects.
I gained sixty pounds when I had my thyroid function destroyed. I went on the Seattle Sutton meal plan, 1200 calories per day. I was very strict with myself as far as exercise and no cheating with the diet. It took two years, but I lost the weight.
I still have to be careful. Right now, I have gained about six pounds. (It is political season: too many political events with unhealthy food).
Since it may take me six months to lose the weight, I have to be aware of what I am eating!
IMHO, any healthy, well-balanced low calorie diet, combined with exercise should work. Good luck to you.
(45,728 posts)That first week after I eliminated grains from my diet was really difficult. Cranky, irritable, insane cravings.
However after that I didn't even miss grains at all. Felt better, no cravings! As I got further into it I noticed less fatigue and less brain fog. So hang in there!