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Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Charlemagne is my 39th G Grandfather on my Mom's side.
(10,709 posts)Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Charlemagne Souvenirs, I got dibs on the key chains!
(10,709 posts)pipi_k
(21,020 posts), by any chance?
I've been doing my family tree since 2007, and every now and then I sign up for hoping for some new information.
Last time I did, a little over a year ago, I "discovered" that I was related to Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Just to make sure, I went backwards and checked each connecting person and found out that a random person had mistakenly inserted an incorrect ancestor into the line.
Too many people zealously and eagerly insert names into their family trees that don't even belong there. I've had to wipe out whole branches of mine when the GED com files I use pointed out that sons (as posted in were listed as being born before their own fathers or grandfathers.
My advice, if someone is using an online site to do genealogy work and finds a link to royalty, is to have it confirmed by trained genealogists. It could save lots of embarrassment later...
(10,709 posts)James Jacob Hamilton Jr. Who was the brother of Alexander Hamilton.
There are family photos, birth records, records for the sons of the American Revolution, etc.
So I'm pretty sure of the link back to James Jacob Hamilton Jr. and Rachel Faucette.
And once I realized that Alexander Hamilton was my 4th Great Uncle, I was able to find on-line his very well researched family tree from this site:
I believe the information contained there because I have always read that Alexander Hamilton, although a bastard (as was my 4th GGF) had a family background that was classic aristocracy.
First I looked at the famous kin, then looked more closely at the Ahnentafel information on that side and that is where I found the ancestors I mentioned.
I guess I was assuming that site listing famous kin of Alexander Hamilton was correct...maybe I am wrong?
PS here is my family tree from me to James Jacob Hamilton, Jr. Who was the full brother of Alexander Hamilton.
Me - father Ernest E. Brant, who served in the Army with my father who raised me and got my Mom pregnant with me. Confirmed by DNA testing done before he died. 1929- 2010
Lloyd Brant was the father of Ernie Brant. 1905-1970
Alice Brant was the mother of Lloyd Brant. 1873-1941
Thomas H. Hutton was the father of Alice Brant. 1840-1906
Anna Hamilton was the mother of Thomas H. Hutton. 1805-1861
James Jacob Hamilton, Jr. was the father of Anna Hamilton as well as the brother of Alexander Hamilton. 1747-1835. Anna was one of his two children by Sarah Malony. She was his second wife.
PPS please reply to this post, Pipi, and let me know if anything I have listed is from an unreliable source or anything as far as you can see. I would hate to be embarrassed by an obvious error! You have some expertise in this area so perhaps you can see any rookie mistakes I have made. Thank you in advance!
(21,020 posts)Unfortunately, even though I've been doing this since 2007, I would hardly say I have any expertise.
For me, it's just sort of a side hobby thing, not a full time endeavor.
Your question would probably be best handled by a professional genealogist with way more resources than I have.
The professionals are able to visit places that hold original records. I have huge holes in my family tree that I'm having trouble with simply because I'm unable to travel and some records I can't find online.
(10,709 posts)Born from an affair and then born of a 4th GGF who was born from an affair so I have no claim to anything. And I am nothing, in and of myself.
All I have the secret thrill of believing I have those distant relatives. I have no children and have a fairly severe case of Multiple Sclerosis so I don't expect to live more than another decade or so.
So all this info will die with me. Ernie's legitimate children do have a reason to be proud though, and they are very well versed in the family history going back to James Jacob Hamilton, Jr. as it was a point of pride in the family to have Alexander Hamilton as a relative.
Well, I do believe the site listing famous kin of various famous people is correct, so for now I will continue to believe in what I posted and stand by it.
Response to LiberalLoner (Original post)
LiberalLoner This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,745 posts)Herbert Hoover, the 32nd POTUS, was a cousin of my great-great-uncle Elwood (Spitznogle) on my father's side, thru marriage, which was interesting. But it was on my mother's side that I found the real goldmines.
I can reliably count, amongst others, Jimmy Carter, William Henry & Ben Harrison, Alf Landon, Arthur Allen(early Virginia settler, built the Arthur Allen House, famous for its use during Bacon's Rebellion), Estes Kefauver, and John Merin Bozeman, the Western trailblazer, amongst others, in my family tree.
Response to AverageJoe90 (Reply #10)
LiberalLoner This message was self-deleted by its author.