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1940 Census Countdown to 2012

Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)It will be a good thing!
(2,682 posts)has's name on it. I somehow feel odd about owning government records and charging us for the right to see them. Yes, I know that Ancestry allows public libraries access but for researchers, the single hour we are allowed on the library's computers is hardly enough to do the job.
(51,666 posts)search capability free once the indexing is done. I will be helping with indexing, which will be a monumental task.
Anybody can help with the indexing, BTW. Join in the fun!!
(135,425 posts)laptop into the library and log on that way--they may give you more time in that case.
(5,649 posts)kestrel91316
(51,666 posts)The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)I am excited too! We should do a happy dance!
My dad's brother will be on it, as well as many of my dad's and mom's first cousins who were born after the 1930 census.
(5,649 posts)I was trying to figure out how to code in a ticker or something that counted down to the day
(20,582 posts)alive in 1940. He relocated to Michigan after my gr. grandmother, his wife, died of typhoid fever. None of my Dad's family really knew anything about him after he left Manitoba ... they didn't talk about him much because he'd 'abandoned' 7 children. I found out, however, he did stick around in Brandon until he could place them all with relatives .... completely opposite to the family rumour presented by an Aunt decades ago that he skipped the country days after his wife died. If I can narrow down his date of death I may be able to find where he's buried.
(5,649 posts)I can't imagine being a widower with 7 children in the 1930's. Seems like the family rumor treats him kind of harshly. I guess no one ones if he placed them with family, went to Michigan to find work and fully intended to come back for them, do they?
I have a woman (my husband's grandmother) who was a widow on the 1920 Kentucky census with 6 young children (all under the age of 9). By the 1930 census, she was (then 35 years old) married to an 86 year old man. I've always wondered what drove her to marry him. Maybe they were truly in love, maybe she was desperate for security. I don't think we will ever know. She died when my husband was 13 years old.
(20,582 posts)How sad for your husband's grandmother ...... I hope it was a loving relationship! It's frustrating not to know all these details, isn't it? Genealogists - never satisfied.
(5,649 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)And I wasn't even a twinkle in anyones eye! Hope to find them at home with their parents still.
31 Days!
(5,649 posts)But my husband's parents were born. It's going to be awesome to find them.