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I'm just having a grand ol' time browsing through "The Confederate States," a Tuskegee newspaper that clearly published in during the Secession wave. I don't know how to properly share articles, so I'll just quote. It's fascinating.
This is from pg. 2 of the 4/23/1861 edition (this is, I guess, following Virginia joining; and, mind you, this is from skimming not doing a keyword search), in an article "The Old Dominion" (emphasis added):
The secession of Virginia will bring to us the remaining border States. Our number of States will soon be doubly increased.--Interest as well as sympathy will unite the Southern States under one government.--The question for the border States to determine is, whether they will choose equality and independence, under a Southern Confederacy; or inequality and degradation under an abolition government
Same page, "From the Montgomery Confederation, 19th. Secession of Virginia"
We could not believe that she would remain as a part of a government, or as an ally to a man whose chief object is to subject the Seceded States and destroy the institution of slavery."
I just find it hilariously vindicating that a random perusal that, for a movement that was supposedly about anything and everything other than slavery, the journalism of the time begs to differ.
I also love the attitude that SLAVEOWNERS were the real victims of oppression; no one can write comedy that good.
Best I can do for a URL reference:

(54,284 posts)of Lincoln's party are - it's the Democrats. And we all know that the slaveholders are the ideological parents of today's republiQans.
And it is clear that even then, they did nothing but project.
Stating that inequality and degradation was the result of an abolition government could have been a brainchild of Luntz or Roger Stone or Lee Atwater. There is simply no Democratic equivalent to that kind of Goebbels-like twisting of the truth, and apparently it is as old as the political need to protect the right to stand on the necks of one's fellow human beings.
Your post is fascinating.
(3,963 posts)The seceded states established what was effectively a police state complete with armed gangs who roamed the countryside looking for escaped slaves and their accomplices.
The real goal was a new nation named Golden Circle; the Confederacy was just an opening act.
(50,434 posts)to the general premise of destroying capitalism and American Democracy. Therefore, anti-American.
Thats how the Confederacy was sold to those without plantations and/or slaves.