DIY & Home Improvement
Related: About this forumMy new love affair
No, no, wait! Come back! This is in the right category.
Although I'd always known about the website, I'd never found time to get over there. Then I did the other day and absolutely flipped. Head over heels in love, I am.
Impossible as it may be for me ever to move again at my age, I used to be quite the nomad and therefore appreciated collapsible furnishings, etc. Instructables has some of the simplest things that even I could easily make. My favorite? The plank chair. That could easily be worked into a nice traveling table with a big piece of plywood or something. The chairs would lend themselves to all sorts of fancy designwork too. There was even a collapsible occasional table. Etc. Maybe I fell under their spell because it reminds me of my footloose early days.
I'll also bet even $ that part of the attraction is encouragement that if my area ever did suffer some terrible natural disaster, I could easily start over in a congenial manner. One less stressor in my life.
Or maybe I grew bored, who knows. I just want to recommend the place to anyone who might've been living under a rock the last decade or so and doesn't yet know. Especially if they like/need to do a lot of things themselves even though they're all thumbs like me.
Maybe it's spring fever and my gardening hasn't taken the edge off yet. I WANT TO BUILD SOMETHING!

(113,131 posts)and married to a guy who was a great woodworker with minimal tools. I did have to redesign a few things to compensate for bad cuts, but mostly it worked out fine. Everything we owned broke down, collapsed, folded up, or turned into its own packing crate and I do have to say some of it was quite ingenious.
In fact, I lived like a college student until I bought this place 18 years ago, living out of suitcases and an antique trunk instead of having furniture with drawers. I even got a real (thrift shop) couch a few years ago.
It's driving me nuts.
I still have some of the knock down, fold up stuff and I find that I prefer it.
(20 posts)I've read may Instructables but couldn't complete an entire project.