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Couple of weeks ago, I noticed the nightlight in one of the bathrooms was I changed the bulb..(yes, I checked another outlet in the kitchen, the bulb worked) - nope, won't work in either outlet in bathroom..the switches for the other lights in BR work..what the hell..neither of the outlets have a GFS..I know just enough - process of elimination..
He hasn't been feeling well, and I didn't want to bother him..I am an independent DIYer..if you know what I mean..well, this morning he was feeling a little better so I asked him where the electric tester was..neither of the outlets have a GFS - here I'm thinking I need an electrician, but it wasn't important enough to do right now...
I felt bad even telling him, told him it wasn't important right now..just an fyi - he told me to push the GFS button, I told him there wasn't one..poor up out of bed, and went to the bathroom..gee, there isn't a GFS, (me, DUH), anyway..he went to the kitchen, pushed the GFS at that switch, says, now try works..
I asked him WTH, he said, BR outlets on same line as Kitchen..I am still saying WTH....his feathers are just gloriously fanned for all to see..what a strut. Hubby for the win..made him feel a little better, not sure if it was the fix, or he got one on me...

(2,799 posts)....get many and they do keep us going. Going public with it makes it even sweeter for him. Good for you.
dawg day
(7,947 posts)My hubster, alas, has decided to fix the garbage disposal this week. This has not been successful, but after he's put in 5 hours, he's determined. He's going to BEAT THIS THING!
I am thinking of hiring a plumber to come while H is sleeping....
(8,203 posts)with his health, he is home..I could call an electrician..a plumber, etc etc....(I do the acctg..LOL)..I would rather he just do the same, but like your hubs, will not give it up..I could tell you about the 5 hr ceiling fan..that was the first day..and then he blew an electrical piece, had to order part..he knows what to do, just not thinking, once he gets the directions..of course not..
Good luck with hubs fixing disposal..I know exactly what you are going through..btw..we had a disposal problem, plumber came out..yep, need new disposal..put new disposal in, won't work..guess was the electrical switch..we just changed out the switch..I ended up with a plumbing bill, and the cost of a new disposal, AND a new switch..I didn't have time to fight with it..the house (12 year ago) was up for sale..I was able to say "NEW Garbage Disposal"..
(71,046 posts)Also in one house the GFI was in the controlled the an angry call from buyers who said the furnace had quit...told them where it was they couldn't believe it.