Related: About this forumAfter the long, long, winter
we are finally getting some spring-like weather this week, and I'm getting pretty excited about the vegetable garden we've got planned for this year.
My hubby has already planted two lettuces, which are just coming up and look like little green dots in the soil.
In addition, in the cold frame, we've started cucumbers, Hungarian Hot Wax peppers, sugar snap peas, and Blue Lake green beans.
Hubby came home with a package of "asparagus bean" seeds a few weeks ago. Don't know if we'll actually try these or not. He always likes to try something sort of exotic every year. The picture on the front of the packet shows a green bean-like product only it's supposed to grow 2-3 feet long! We'll see about that one.
Hubby put the trellises up yesterday for the beans and the peas. We had to cover the lettuce rows both Saturday and Sunday nights because it was down into the 20s here overnight.
And, last but not least, we have some nice varieties of tomatoes in the works .... Early Girl, Better Boy, Roma, Beefsteak, Rutgers Heirloom, and one Moby Grape plant for me. These are the varieties of tomatoes that have always done well for us in the past.
What do other DUers plant in their veggie gardens?

Arkansas Granny
(31,933 posts)They will grow really long, but they are best at about 18 inches. Very good in stir fry or cooked as you would any other string bean.
(36,082 posts)Last edited Mon Apr 30, 2018, 01:31 PM - Edit history (1)
I'll definitely try them, now!
(527 posts)I am approaching my mid 70's and gardening has become harder and harder. I have a hoop trellis for beans and have planted one side in Malibu green beans and the other side in Christmas limas. Both will reach very long lengths and are prolific producers. I will plant one beedsteak tomato. I did that last year and it took over a 4 square foot bed and beyond. One tomato fed two of us two days. Otherwise I will have parsley and basil and that is it. I have a patio pot sized blue berry bush that is full of little green berries and a somewhat larger bush that need putting in the ground. It has bloomed but no berries yet. I am waiting for a helper to dig the hole for me. I just put the beans out yesterday and today. The basil can go in in another couple of weeks.
Good luck with your garden!
(36,082 posts)I'm so envious of your blueberry plants. I tried them a few years ago, but no luck. My biggest problem is that my yard is full of shade, except for the open space in the back yard where the garden is. And my husband won't let me plant a blueberry or raspberry bush right out in the middle of the yard because he doesn't want to be bothered mowing around it (I guess I can't blame him). I picked fresh blueberries at a farm on vacation last year and oh, they were the best -- big, juicy, and sweet.
I have never heard of Malibu green beans! Sounds interesting!
(38,947 posts)Tomatoes, beans, snap peas and peppers. Much of my work this year will will be for prepping for next year.
(36,082 posts)My favorites are sweet red bell peppers, but my husband MUST have his Hungarian Hot Wax.
(16,392 posts)Im slowly raising the height to 16-21 inches to help for when I get older.
Ill have several tomatoes, bush and pole beans, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and few bell peppers. I plan to use a 4x8 bed to grow some sweet corn.
In other beds, Ive already got sugar snap peas, spinach, lettuce, carrots, leeks, and broccoli going.
(15,259 posts)Our only sunny area is the front yard, so its flowers for us with a few herbs here and there. Thank goodness the farmers market is within walking distance.
(30,529 posts)little sweet peas to climb a fence that exposes us to the road, I put in many drip parts. Tomorrow, more of the same. Wednesday is going to be the big burn because it's supposed to rain Tuesday night and sprinkly on Wednesday.
I'm sort of back up on the getting things moved into bigger pots or into the ground. But everyday, I just keep at it.