Related: About this forumWe're having a very good year
My husband plants a 30 x 40 foot garden every spring. This year it's been very productive so far.
1 row each of lettuces and endive which we've been using in salads ever since mid June. Sugar snap peas are just about done, I picked the last dozen pods this morning. Italian parsley doing nicely. Blue lake green beans have been off the charts, as have the cucumbers. My husband has taken 3 boxes of cucumbers to the food pantry, we've had so many. The row of hot banana peppers have needed cages since they're falling over, full of peppers. I will can those in oil, vinegar, garlic, and oregano. I just this morning got my first 2-foot-long asparagus bean, many more to come. Those are neat, we've never planted them before. Then there are 18 tomato plants -- Early Girl, Better Boy, Health Kick (a kind of Roma), Beefsteak, and Moby Grape. I can those, too, except for the Moby Grapes, which I love for snacking and salads.
This morning we juiced elderberries to make some jelly with. I figure I'll get about 6 pint jars of jelly from what we were able to procure.
All in all, very happy with this year's garden so far!

(54,328 posts)Florida, Arizona, Texas, nor much here in Arkansas. The deer eat everything here!
(28,394 posts)Tons of peppers and cukes. Tomatoes are just starting ripen, but there are a lot! Best time of the year!
(16,392 posts)The Zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes seem to be doing well. This last week of wet and humid spread a good bit of early blight, but no year is free of that.