Related: About this forumTomato List 2020
Sun Gold
German Johnson
Jet Stetter
Green Zebra
Black Cherry
Black Krim
Cherokee Purple
other veg stuff
Long Tom Red Chilies
Serrano Pepper
California Wonder Green Pepper
Cilantro "Calypso"
Swiss Chard
Red Onions
White Onions
Red Skin Potatoes
Sugar Snap Peas
Thai Basil
Sangiovese Basil
Trying to propagate American Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus native burning bush)

(24,360 posts)Or give them away?
(73,430 posts)And during the season BLTs, Tomato, Mozzarella and Prosciutto roll ups,
eat 'em and give some away too.
Just one plant of each type.
(60,902 posts)Among the planted are
Sungold, Fruity, Mexico Midget, Black Cherry and Egg Yolk cherry tomatoes, indeterminate
Dester, Polish, Brandywine, Stump of the World, Cherokee Purple, Cherokee Chocolate, Cherokee Green, Green Giant, Ferris Wheel, Peak of Perfection, Lillian's Yellow Heirloom, Casey's Pure Yellow, Gerald's Mystery, Caitlin's Lucky Stripe, Don's Double Delight, Striped Sweetheart, Lucky Cross, Little Lucky, Yellow Ferris Wheel mystery, Roman Figun, Shackelford family, Nolan Family and 2 other indeterminate types, in straw bales.
That's 29. The other 50-60 will be grown in 5 gallon grow bags and will be a mix of released Dwarf Tomato Project varieties, works in progress, mysteries etc
(16,392 posts)Tomatoes:
5 Pink Brandywine
3 Black Cherry
2 Brandy Boy (F1- Burpee)
2 Steak House (F1 - Burpee)
2 Martha Washington (F1 - Johnny's)
2 Carbon
2 Glacier
1 Purple Cherokee
1 Rose
1 German Johnson
Dark Red Norland
Purple Majesty
Rose Finn Apple
Random fingerlings from Agway (Russian Banana, Princess Laratte, or similar)
and lettuce (various types),spinach (almost finished up) broccoli, shallots (red and yellow), garlic, chard, Bush beans, pole beans, carrots, leeks, several herbs. On edit, sugar snap peas and Super sugar snap peas (johnny's).
Hopefully the grocery runs are smaller this fall.
(8,114 posts)I need in terms of quantity and new varieties. Hard to resist in March.
Among the repeat tomatoes:
...Clementine (a star in terms of production, taste, longevity. The next one I plant will last till December. Orange golf balls, no splitting)
...Chocolate Sprinkles (reliable black cherry type, but your black cherry probably better tasting)
...Brown and Black Boar (among my top for flavor, and gorgeous)
...Pink Berkeley Tie Dye (prefer Summer of Love, but not available this year. Still, very good and pretty)
...Madam Marmande (reliable red)
...Thornbergs Terra Cotta (unusual color, great flavor..has set a ton of big fruit)
...Carmello (reliable red)
Among the newbies:
...Reisentraube (incredible number of flowers, only about 1/3 set so far. supposed to be great flavor for a cherry)
...Esmeralda Golosina (super tall open plant, good to have a green in the stable)
...Russian Queen (striped plum sized fruit...looks like will have a lot)
...Copper River (possible multicolor replacement for Summer of Love)
I gave away a bunch of extras I grew from seed, and some that I root in water then pot up for giveaway or a second crop. I'm ready to plant another round of must-haves from cuttings, for later summer: Brown and Black Boar, Clementine, Madam Marmande. I'll probably need a Green Zebra because I anticipate Esmeralda Golosina won't be as good as GZ...I like tart not sweet.
Have started harvesting Terra Cotta, Clementine, and Chocolate Sprinkles already, Socal.
The leaves on two plants in 15 gallon cans look suspicious, so they are in quarantine away from others of their kind. Hazard of trying heirlooms without demonstrated resistance, and of planting early.
Good luck everyone!
(16,392 posts)I stopped growing it because I could pick the tomatoes fast enough.
(10,421 posts)I have 12 plants, all different varieties, and probably wont have a ripe tomato until August.