Dangerous games kids play (graphics warning)

Ironically, Smarties are at the center of a pretty dumb activity. Kids are reportedly crushing the candy into powder and snorting it. As if that isn't bad enough, parents are being warned because nasal maggots (yes, maggots) have reportedly been found in Rhode Island children who have snorted the stuff.

The salt-and-ice challenge involves kids putting salt in their hands, adding a piece of ice and then squeezing. The combination of ice and salt creates a chemical reaction that quickly burns skin. This 12-year-old boy suffered second-degree burns after his friend and brother applied the salt and ice to his back.

The choking game, also called the fainting game, space monkey or the five-second high, is when kids choke off oxygen to their brains, causing a euphoric-type high. Side effects may include light-headedness, loss of consciousness and sometimes death.

Some teens believe they can get drunk if they pour vodka directly into their eyeballs. Side effects may include burning, inflammation and scarring of the cornea and near complete sobriety as the eyeball does not actually absorb much alcohol.
Recommended reading for those around children and young adults. Please review the remaining slides and discussion at
http://www.chron.com/life/healthzone/gallery/Dangerous-games-kids-play-60921.php?cmpid=hpfc .
Cross-posted in General Discussion.