Related: About this forumWhat are your thoughts on John Rosemond?
I will state outright that he sets off my bullshit detector, and overall his vibe seems creepily retrograde and patriarchal.
I bring this up because his article "Your kids should not be the most important in the family" has been making the rounds lately, showing up independently four separate times in the postings of FB friends. I don't care to link to the article here, but it's easy enough to find, and it's of a piece with his apparent attitudes in general.
Any thoughts?

(8,422 posts)He is a horror show and everything he believes in, I believe in the opposite.
(64,810 posts)Thanks!
(14,400 posts)His advice is garbage.
(14,400 posts)Most of his advice would do damage to any kids subjected to it.
(64,810 posts)Me: John Rosemond's philosophies are considered somewhat retrograde and anachronistic, bordering on patriarchal elevation of the man/father as the central figure in the home. He's very popular among "Promise Keeper" types, and many of his attitudes are difficult to reconcile with progressive thinking.
Person: Self-righteous millennials are a negative by-product of progressive thinking. Maybe it's time for the re-establishment of the anachronistic/patriarchal elevation of the man/father as the central figure of the home in order to raise proper respectable, employable humans.
Me: I disagree with that just about 100%.
And I'm not some imaginary entitled millennial, either. I'm a middle aged married father of two who works full time to support my family.
The tradeoff for embracing Rosemond's pop psychology is the rewinding of 50+ years of society development simply for the comfort of the "get off my lawn" crowd.
Person: That's totally cool that you disagree! I totally disagree with you as well. No hard feelings at all!
So at least she was civil about it.
(27,335 posts)I'm reminded of the crap dumped on Boomers, of which I'm one. The complaints about Dr. Spock and how he supposedly ruined a generation. Actually, there has NEVER been a time in human history when the older generation hasn't complained bitterly about the younger one. Which can set me off, as old as I am, when I hear such complaints.
Maybe the fact that I spent ten years at a local junior college when Gen Xers were attending, and I learned to respect and admire that generation for their hard work.
Anyway, when I first heard Rosemond my BS detector likewise started quivering. People like him offer simplistic solutions to complex problems. And worse yet, in my opinion, his crap is embedded in Christian theological bullshit, which is even worse.
Just my opinion.
(64,810 posts)Without exception, every one of them is as dedicated and hard-working as any Gen-Xer or Boomer on the payroll.
I agree completely! When I encounter some preachy "these kids today" nonsense from a crotchety bastard as old as me, I invariably reply "said every generation ever."