Related: About this forumI "inherited" my late father's two Shih Tzus about a month ago.
We got them to the vet yesterday. They are remarkably healthy for 12 year-old dogs. The only real issue was hair in their eyes causing discharge and matting. They have also been licking their paws, again probably because of long hair.
There are no dog groomers in the immediate area and few anywhere reasonably near. The short answer is that we are weeks from a groomer appointment and something had to be done.
I managed to trim around the eyes and feet. It doesn't look bad for having been done by a lawyer and not a groomer. At least I can see their eyes and they can see now.
I brushed one of the wee beasties without incident but the other objected. I have managed to stanch the bleeding.

(19,013 posts)TomSlick
(12,225 posts)The dogs don't look TOO bad and all I needed was a bit of Neosporin and a band-aid.
(19,013 posts)niyad
(122,712 posts)possibility of infection.
(12,225 posts)It's also an effective analgesic.
(66,283 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,521 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,943 posts)I would love to see these little darlings.
And yes you can show us a picture of the wound you incurred in the line of duty too.
(12,225 posts)For some reason, I suspect operator error, I cannot down load the photos from my phone to the computer.
(65,943 posts)So at least they are on my laptop.
There is probably a better way to do it.
(65,943 posts)They tend to be a bit high strung and quite sensitive.
Some don't like you touching them other than to pet them.
Also you are not the one they have been bonded to for a long time.
And they were a bit neglected for some time.
So you have to go slow to get their trust and let them bond.
You might try some treats after grooming or touching them in a way they don't like.
Yes one of them is just like my little Maltese, don't mess with her.
Only mommy can touch her and then some days not so much.
And make regular grooming appointments so they can take care of things.
I hope you don't put out one of their eyes!
Or lose a finger.
Just be patient, they are dear sweet little doggies but have a lot of personality in a little package.
(34,587 posts)He only lets me brush/comb him. He's very particular about that.
(65,943 posts)They are not able to draw blood or anything unless I am with her.
Two vet techs and the vet cannot get a blood draw on an 8 lb dog without my presence.
My dog will only settle down at the vet's if I am standing next to her.
And only let them draw blood if I am talking to her and making over her.
She is sweet as pie with me, adorable and dotes on me.
Loves my two female neighbors and daughter to pieces.
Other people messing with her or strange large males approaching me,
she is not happy. She is very protective of me.
A friend of mine has a male Maltese. And he will let anybody do anything to him,
especially if there is a treat involved.
(34,587 posts)Is a little piss pot! He thinks he's a polar bear and is very protective of his main human. The extra human (my husband) we believe he thinks can fend for himself.
(65,943 posts)Seems like they have to weigh over 150 pounds, maybe more. My little dog thought he got a little too close to me on a walk and started to take him on. The big dog just looked at my little dog like I could eat you for lunch, but I'm not even gonna bother cause you're too small to mess with. And the big dog just kind of shrugged its shoulders and walked on.
My little dog fully believes she saved my life that day. Big dog wasn't even paying any attention to me either.
And of course I was ready to pick her up and run if it had gotten ugly.
(21,362 posts)To a happy pet home. I say that even tho my cat will not let me near her when her nails need trimmed..she acts like Im gonna do real harm. Youre doing a fine thing for these two and its a lot of trial and error but worth it 🐾
(52,687 posts)have eye discharge. It is normal. It is reddish in color it may be from the saliva from licking the pays, like a cat does to clean itself. My Chihuahuas were very clean, cleaner than any dog that I know of anyway. They would constantly clean all 4 paws and toenails as well as cleaning the eye area. It was non-stop self grooming.
If you feel the need to assist them just use a warm, wet washcloth and rub the eye area before you can get to a groomer. They should love the feel of the gentle warmth and allow you to do it as long as you need to.
(114,022 posts)rubbed gently around the eyes.
(114,022 posts)Warms the cockles on this cold night.
(12,225 posts)We just had the bed-time go out.
Now that they can see, the backyard is not nearly so scary anymore. They both wandered around the yard investigating instead of cowering on the patio.
(2,213 posts)Bless you for taking your dad's dogs! And I hope things are easier now that they can see!
(12,225 posts)Hopeless wordie.
Thanks for the heart!
herding cats
(19,659 posts)They're training you well early on to be decent at the job. You'll learn and be just fine I'm sure.
(65,943 posts)They were already traumatized with the move, but then they couldn't see their new surroundings very well.
It was all too much for them.
The fact they are venturing out now is a very good sign.
I know there was (your) blood involved on the trimming project, but you did good Tom!
And you are learning your correct place in the hierarchy.
(12,225 posts)Katie didn't like having her undercarriage brushed.
(65,943 posts)That is great they stood perfectly still for the eye trim.
Amazing. They are really good little dogs.
(29,377 posts)Give them a bath and once they are dry clip them. It's a good bonding experience. I use these clippers for my Broodle Griffon. Unfortunately, my Australian Shepard is too high strung to sit still and needs calming agents and a pro groomer as he's 50lbs and does not like his legs handled.
Dog clippers are different than human ones, as dog hair is thicker and finer and will dull human clippers.
If they are excitable, like one of my dogs, CBD oil does the trick. Of course, you have to give them it for a few days prior to get them acclimated to it. Check with the store as only about a quarter of CBD calming products are effective. You can also check with the vet about a Gabapentin prescription to calm them. Stay away from Trazadone, my vet and one groomer I use says it's not good for grooming.
(12,225 posts)I've been "grooming" our wire-haired terrier (of indeterminate breed) for some time.
(4,481 posts)I have the other med and doesnt do anything to come her down.
(29,377 posts)Check this link, it shows we're on the low side. Since mileage varies, start low and see how it goes.
Here are more reference links:
This one has a warning about not using liquid forms.
Yes, you can give your dog Gabapentin. However, first, you need to consult with your trusted veterinarian and get a prescription. Gabapentin is safe and efficient for dogs but only when used correctly and in individually tailored doses.
Never give your dog oral liquid Gabapentin formulated for humans. This is because human oral suspensions almost always use the artificial sweetener xylitol as a taste enhancer. Sadly, xylitol is highly toxic to dogs and can cause a potentially fatal blood sugar drop.
It is also highly inadvisable to give your dog human Gabapentin pills as they contain much higher doses than your dog needs. Giving your dog human Gabapentin capsules or tablets can quickly cause a Gabapentin overdose
If you have human tablets, they can be probably be cut to a smaller size.
(4,481 posts)Bev54
(12,214 posts)and they may have an allergy to it so you may have to change food.
(65,943 posts)I know he is a whip smart attorney but he might not be ready for the reality of
adorable little doggies.
(12,225 posts)Big dogs, little dogs, and in between dogs. The only change is that in the past few years, I have also become a cat servant.
We have long been the vet's best customers. We sometimes get a gift basket at Christmas.
(65,943 posts)They are completely different creatures compared to big dogs.
They are bred to be companion dogs and very tuned in and connected to their human
mom or dad. And have very different needs and expectations.
I know nothing about cats, in fact I keep reading all the cat posts here and still cannot figure them out.
That is sad. I can only imagine what you actually paid for the "gift" basket from the vet.
(12,225 posts)He always had a simple cut - my father did it. He was not the least bit a "fancy" dog.
He loved to ride in the boat, standing in the bow with his ears blowing behind him. If held just right, he would put his front paws together and waive them up and down as if in prayer. If he thought someone was threatening me, he would become a big dog and attack.
If we had the money we've spent on vet bills over the years, we would be quite comfortable. Nevertheless, I regret no money spent on the fuzzy babies.
(65,943 posts)A toy poodle for you in high school. Riding in a boat praying.
Ok you know what you are doing and then some.
Yes I know, my little dog thinks she is huge if a repairman comes to the house.
I know, vet bills are shocking.
I don't regret taking care of my little doggie at all.
(12,225 posts)We have lived at our home long enough that there is an impressive pet cemetery in the back yard. I have dug every grave through my tears.
(65,943 posts)I have not had pets as long as you have.
But I had a little Bichon and now a Maltese who are my soul mates.
Sounds weird to say that about a little dog.
But true. I always knew exactly what they were thinking and what they want.
My constant companions through thick and thin.
Stuck to me like glue.
I think your inheritances are very lucky to land with you, Tom.
They have had a rough go of it and need a soft spot to land.
(4,481 posts)Give them lots of hugs. My yourkie is not fond of grooming either.
(12,225 posts)They were seriously deprived of human contact for a long time. They have adjusted very quickly to their renewed role as lap dogs.