Related: About this forumFor everyone who has ever loved black cats
As a mom of two, this made me laugh.

(30,564 posts)and they're more fun than evil. Merlin and Houdini are living their best lives.
Mme. Defarge
(8,650 posts)WhiteTara
(30,564 posts)Solid black kitties and one black kitty with a white bow tie to go with his black tux. His name is Rascal and he lives up to it. I also have a Salem, Penny, Cocoa and Shadow. And six other kitties lol
(645 posts)but he was just so bad at it. And it's just so much work. And there's the lack of all the extra good stuff that comes with being a suck up. and, well, ...maybe the dog's on to something.
But you didn't hear it from Eddie.
(21,259 posts)Got her from a farmer out in the county and was told she was a she but a little while later..she was getting neutered! Loved that kitty and had him for a long time
(1,901 posts)... and she traveled to many exotic places with me.
Got one now named Bandit. Her sister's name is Smokey.
(36,594 posts)padfun
(1,862 posts)And four grey ones. One of the greys is a long hair and she is a darling.
Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,957 posts)Cats rock.
(10,062 posts)Then
(437 posts)I know that bite!
(47,039 posts)And so affectionate with humans.
She hates my grey cat Kira though!
Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)When I'd get home from work each day, I let him outside to roam the neighborhood, we were not near any major roadways, a quiet neighborhood He always came home after about an hour. I think he just did his patrol and once all was good he returned. However, one day he never came home. I moved from the area about a month later. He broke my heart and I just prayed one of the neighbors took him in. He was the most lovable cat. I still miss him many. many years later.
Response to Siwsan (Original post)
jamesatemple This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,359 posts)Practically dogs.. And very conversational. A whole range of meows, yowls, semi growls and yips.. And they both demand explanations for whatever I am doing..
(353 posts)Yesterday I lost a black cat that my wife and I had raised from a feral kitten to an almost tame adult... almost tame. He was a wild kitten, wiley in his ways, and we dubbed him Wiley from the get-go. He arrived at our home aboard the undercarriage of my old pickup. After a couple of months of living in the wisteria bush wrapped around a tall tree stump in our front yard, he began to eat a bit of cat food offered to him on our front porch. It was several months later that he decided to move in with us contingent upon our meeting all his demands. We negotiated a truce of a sort as the years passed and grew close to one another. I know that it is foolish to get attached to a pet that will almost certainly die within just a few years, but I shall miss Wiley.
(27,452 posts)I'm incredibly emotionally invested, even in the ferals. I still mourn each and every one I've lost.
And my heart felt sympathies on your loss.
Think. Again.
(21,635 posts)Permanut
(6,874 posts)You were a shining hero in his life.
(122,593 posts)send peace and comfort to his grieving loved ones.
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Wiley. They leave their pawprints on our hearts.
(163 posts)They are wonderful pets--Ebony and Floyd!
Mme. Defarge
(8,650 posts)short for Zenobie - a beautiful black queen of ancient Palmyra - was our beloved back cat of 17 years. When we received the call from the vet. that she had died, my husband, who had long believed that all animals belonged in the jungle until Nubie came into our lives, and I fell into each others arms and wept. A few days later when I was making our morning coffee I started crying and he said, Maybe its time we did something about the cat situation. Thats when I knew he was officially a cat man.
Coffee cup in hand, I picked up the newspaper and went right to the classifieds where I found a phone number and address for Patty. When I got home later that afternoon I walked into the house, set the cat carrier on the floor and Lottie ran out, jumped up onto the dining room table where my husband was working, and banged on the calculator with her paw. Emmy, her sister, emerged more cautiously. And so began our long and loving journey with our precious feline family members, named for Charlotte and Emily of fiction writing fame.
(34,542 posts)Are majestic!
(113,131 posts)Last edited Thu May 30, 2024, 04:19 PM - Edit history (1)
even though the cats who chose me were usually calicos and gingers.
A thousand or so years ago when I was skinny and a looker, I was sketch material for artist friends. My favorite was one of me with a friend's lap panther draped very artistically across my lap, totally relaxed and out cold. It was very Erté and I've always wondered what happened to it. The artist was a friend, but I couldn't afford any of his stuff or I'd have bought that one.
That cat was total lap fungus.
(1,162 posts)My mom named him Louie Armstrong because of his white handkerchief.
(7,309 posts)And she adores our dog, Sashie. They take turns grooming each other. Sashie uses her big paws to hold Jet while licking her down. Adorable behavior. I haven't been able to catch them on video yet. It's like they know when I pick up my phone and they stop.
This is just a small bit.
(363 posts)I call them mini Panters
(11,379 posts)We had one many years ago. He was a little guy with the heart of a lion. He would follow us on our walks. One day two big dogs came charging up. Before I knew it he has latched on to the back of one of them, claws dug in. He jumped off when he was ready and both dogs ran away. LOL
(26,329 posts)...and named him Honky Cat, like the Elton John song.
Think. Again.
(21,635 posts)maptap22
(176 posts)Hes a trouble maker but I love him.
Growing up, we were big into the Mod Squad and had a cat named Lincoln Hayes. He was a cool cat. 🐈⬛ Solid. ☺️
(24,437 posts)Named, Nigel. I was coming out of the grocery one day and there was a mom and daughter in the parking lot, with this little black kitten. They asked--can you take him? We've been trying for hours to give him to someone, and if you can't take him, he'll have to go to the pound. What could I say?
Loved him to pieces. He died in my arms 16 years later.
(7,400 posts)My little brother named him because he was completely black, and we both were fans of 'The Jungle Books'. (He didn't want to use 'Bagheera'... damn it.)
My father brought him home from a friend who found him on the side of the road. My mother, who had sworn since we were born that she was not going to have an animal inside the house, finally relented because the cat needed help. He was unable to walk. We took him to the vet and learned that he had a pinched nerve in his back which meant he could not move his legs. He could stand upright, and he would walk with his front legs and kind of hop with his back ones to get around. He was also sweet and fearless and won everyone over immediately. As time passed, he regained the use of his back legs and by the time he was just over a year old, it was as if he had never had an issue at all. BUT, that constant over use of his front legs now meant he looked like a pit bull. Then, we got him fixed and instead of getting fat, he just got bigger. This cat was almost 14" at the shoulder once he was fully grown.
One day, I was sitting in the den watching television and Panther was outside lounging in the grass of the backyard. I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye. There were two Dobermans running into my back yard from the field behind our house. See, there was a house about eight doors down that raised them for various uses and those dogs were always getting out. So, I am now watching two dogs, one brown and one black, wander into the yard. They did not see Panther at first. He saw them immediately. He slowly got up and stood watching them. Suddenly, the both saw him and charged over, expecting the cat to 'run to and fro and make sport'. Panther did not run. He arched his back some and hissed as they approached. They stopped, confused. This cat was not running? They looked at each other. I could just hear the unspoken conversation.
"What should we do?"
"I know, let me shove my nose at him and that will make him run!"
So, the brown one turns and sticks his face right up to my big-ass cat. Panther immediately jumped onto the dogs forehead, buried his front claws, then started marathon-running his back claws all over that dog's nose and snout. There was blood everywhere. The black dog, seeing his buddy in trouble... ran like the wind out of our yard and probably all the way back home. The brown one was leaping and swirling around the yard, trying desperately to get Panther off of his face, Finally, my cat let him go, and this poor dog flew out of our yard like he was being shot at. I was standing in the doorway at this moment. (Storm door.) Panther strolled back to his spot and lay back down, this time facing the house. He saw me and gave one bored blink and then stared off into the distance as if he had been slightly bothered.
That is just one of the stories about this beloved cat. I wish I had the pictures of him, but those are all with my mother and she has put them in storage. Maybe one day I can get to them and show you all what he was like. When my parents split up, he went with my father because we could not have him where we were moving. He ran away from there one evening and was never seen again. But, my family and a few others believe that he is now ruling the forests behind my father's house to this day, even some 40 years later. Such is the stuff of legends.
The Legend of Panther.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)back in the 80's, she had 27 solid black cats at one time.
(122,593 posts)niyad
(122,593 posts)an only lap panther, a long-haired rescue with severe separation anxiety issues. He hates for me to be out of his sight, ever.
Lap panthers are the best!!!
(22,018 posts)then i got a funny looking black long haired kitten. around 7 months he turned into a big norwegian forest cat. cosmo was an awesome cat. named before seinfeld's kramer. next boy named basil BEFORE dr who said his name.
(229,762 posts)