Related: About this forumEarly morning hours...
have been fairly eventful for me lately, where wildlife is concerned. I live in the middle of residential area, so I don't often get to see even raccoons anymore. But the first of Feb, I saw a fox standing in my yard, getting ready to head towards the creek across the street. Beautiful animal! I was so blown away, I forgot all about my phone having an internal camera! Anyway, it was about 4am, and my brain isn't really working great, then, anyway.
This morning, around 4:30, I started hearing this mournful cry. It sounded kinda like a hound dog doing a quick cry, and then fading out. I heard 4 times, and the last one was loud enough he could have been standing under my window! I made room for me at the window beside my bed, shoving aside the four cats who were also trying to see where the noise was coming from. I mean... imagine... here's this low window, with me and four cats all hanging our heads out trying to see where this call was coming from! (LOL) The last cry, I was putting on slacks and finding my robe to go out and make sure no one was hurt, but I still couldn't see anything when I opened the front door. But I DID hear the greatest Hoot Owl I've heard in a long time. And he was being quite vocal. THAT made me wonder... I'll bet it was any kind of dog I heard howl... I'll bet it was my little fox again. I need to find a sound file to see if it was the same voice I heard. But as I seem to be waking up around 4 am these days, at least I have something to look forward to -- in addition to the wonderful rising sun skies I've gotten a few pictures of. Today it was blood red, and made me think of that old rhyme... Red skies at night, sailors delight. Red skies at morn, sailors be warned.
All a little weird and wonderous when you're living in the middle of suburbia! LOL! Sweet dreams, everyone... I'm headed that way now... my sleeping buddies have already staked out their pieces of the bed without me!

(18,962 posts)I too live in a suburban area but hear coyotes frequently. I go to the door to try and hear them better sometimes.
(26,253 posts)..the cul-de-sac I can see out our kitchen window. Our neighborhood/housing development is not at all rural.
(4,987 posts)We've just totally encroached on what used to be their territory... and, as far as they're concerned, it still is. I also worry about all these people who let their cats and dogs loose in the night, and then bring them back indoors in the morning. Just that Hoot Owl I heard would be danger from the sky for small cats, dogs, and kittens. I warned my friend around the corner about it, cause she feeds some of the ferals over there.