Mme. Defarge
(8,629 posts)by listening to cassette tapes as I drove the dozen or so miles to and from work five days a week. I listened and repeated diligently for months before losing interest after deciding it wasnt the best way for me to try learning another language. After all of that effort the only Japanese I managed to retain was how to say, The engines overheated, which of course could come in handy were I to ever travel to Japan and rent a car.
(37,048 posts)I found that the learning systems (eg, Pimsleur) that emphasize learning by hearing taught me very little useful vocabulary, but I did get compliments on my pronunciation when I traveled . The ones that emphasized visual learning were better for me, but emphasized grammar over vocabulary too much. If you dont have two years of intensive study, repeating the grammar isnt going to helpyou need to know a lot of vocabulary to carry on conversations, read signs, etc.
(26,253 posts)...the US, I took one evening Adult Ed class, and then 2 more while I was there. I could ask questions but not understand the answers.
I can still count to 10 in Japanese.
(2,234 posts)a Japanese-American family lived across the street for a few years, and I spent a lot of time with the kids. I learned a few simple phrases so I could communicate with their mother who spoke little English. Fifty-plus years later, all I remember is Domo arigato, Terry-San.
(23,858 posts)Learning foreign languages and adored the Japanese. Every single word of Japanese I learned back then...precious little.. I still remember. I will NEVER understand why mother didn't devote more effort to getting us taught Japanese! She missed that opportunity!