Civil Liberties
Related: About this forumGreenville students removed from National Air and Space Museum for wearing pro-life hats
I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this, but it seems that this incident actually happened. The "spokesperson from the National Air and Space Museum" is named in the second article.
This story is making the rounds of all the usual RW sources, but WYFF is a television station in South Carolina. It is an NBC affiliate. It is not part of FOX Television. Also, as I should not have to explain again, FOX Television and FOX News are two different entities.
If the events as depicted here actually transpired, this is a clear violation of 1A. The guard was clearly in the wrong. If I had been there, I would have had to have taken the side of the kids.
I will continue to look into this. Hat tip, {redacted}
Parents could take legal action
WYFF 4 Updated: 6:32 PM EST Jan 31, 2023
Peyton Furtado
GREENVILLE COUNTY, S.C. Parents could be taking legal action after they say their students were kicked out of a Washington D.C. museum for wearing pro-life beanies. ... An attorney from the American Center of Law and Justice says 12 Our Lady of the Rosary School students and chaperones were kicked out of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for wearing pro-life hats.
The students had just attended the March for Life Rally on Jan. 20 when they say a security guard stopped them, calling the museum a "neutral zone," and telling them they'd need to remove their hats or leave. ... "They should be allowed to wear the hats that they were wearing and to be able to express themselves," said parent Nora Luz Kriegel. "And I felt it was very wrong that this person harassed them."
A spokesperson from the National Air and Space Museum responded in an email: ... "Asking visitors to remove hats and clothing is not in keeping with our policy or protocols. We provided immediate training to prevent a re-occurrence of this kind of incident, and have determined steps to ensure this does not happen again."
We reached out to a few of the parents of the children removed from that museum. They forwarded us to their attorney with the ACLJ.
Catholic school students kicked out of Smithsonian museum in DC over pro-life beanies
Story by Nikolas Lanum Yesterday 10:45 AM
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum kicked out a dozen Catholic high school students and their chaperons for wearing beanies inscribed with pro-life messages.
On January 20, students and chaperones from Our Lady of the Rosary School based out of Greenville, South Carolina, traveled to Washington, D.C. for the annual National March for Life. The group was all wearing matching blue beanies with the words "Rosary PRO-LIFE."
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), representing the parents of some of the students involved, alleged that the museum staff mocked the students, hurled expletives and claimed the museum was a "neutral zone" where political or religious messages were not allowed.
A spokesperson for the museum released a statement about what transpired and said the incident did not adhere to their policy or protocols.
"Asking visitors to remove hats and clothing is not in keeping with our policy or protocols. We provided immediate training to prevent a re-occurrence of this kind of incident, and have determined steps to ensure this does not happen again," said Alison Wood, the museum's deputy director of communications.

(2,260 posts)But good for them. Throw the trash out.
Response to Jirel (Reply #1)
mahatmakanejeeves This message was self-deleted by its author.
(11,182 posts)The hat was not the problem and the students and chaperones should have been allowed in. If they started harassing other patrons or staff, then they should have been escorted out.
Coming from a huge rally, I can understand the intent to keep things civil inside any and all surrounding businesses, but just wearing a hat should not be enough to exclude anyone.
(63,544 posts)Beyond that, nada.
Local channel 5 has picked up the story too, so people in and around DC are aware of it. I hope it shows up in the WaPo.
Catholic school students kicked out of Smithsonian museum in DC over pro-life beanies
Thanks for writing.
Catholic school students kicked out of Smithsonian museum in DC over pro-life beanies
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum kicked out a dozen Catholic high school students and their chaperones for wearing beanies inscribed with
Link to tweet
Response to Freethinker65 (Reply #3)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(19,382 posts)Museum knew they messed up. Took responsibility for their atrocious actions.
Response to jimfields33 (Reply #6)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1 post)I don't have much to say about this article, but due to the number of responses here I did want to post here. It is unfortunate that there isn't more interest in the Civil Liberties area of DU, these are the critical issues of our time and it is paramount that all of the West defends citizens rights.