Reclaiming the Word QUEER - It Worked!!!!!
Last edited Mon Nov 19, 2012, 03:36 PM - Edit history (1)
There has been some debate on the effectiveness of embracing the word Queer as a way to take back offensive words, redefine them and change the culture at large.
It worked. Need evidence? Consider this...
What do you think?

(26,366 posts)'taken back'. In fact I'm rather surprised some people here consider it offensive - did they complain to Bravo ?
(7,042 posts)I agree. Unfortunately, others do not.
This was my last post in another group I was subsequently blocked from for using the word:
I welcome that conversation here.
(7,042 posts)Thank you.
(60,536 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 19, 2012, 03:51 PM - Edit history (1)
knife, baseball bat and a shod foot, all the while you're being called a "fucking queer" or just "queer," you'll think a little more about your enchantment with the term. You might want to do some research into case law about how many times of the word "queer" was used against someone who was discriminated against in housing, credit application or employment and use of the term was used as proof of motivation for the discriminatory acts.
(7,042 posts)Hospitalized for over a week.
Dozens of stitches.
GW Hospital
In 80s
Could care less if you or others want to call me a liar.
I've been called worse.
...and it wasn't a fist but a meat cleaver.
(60,536 posts)fightthegoodfightnow
(7,042 posts)...and I apologize if I came across confrontational. I would add that the presumption I haven't been subjected to violence or discrimination because I use the word queer is offensive to me even if that wasn't your intention. Perhaps it's exactly because I have been subjected to both that I feel so strongly about reclaiming the word.
(60,536 posts)as self righteous. If you bother to read my comment I said, "perhaps if;" I never presumed you were, or were not, assaulted. In this matter, I do not have a right to presume anything, one way or another.
(7,042 posts) who is coming across as self righteous. Perhaps if you read my apology, you would be gracious enough to accept it. You were not.
And yea, you did presume I was subjected to neither; otherwise what was your point? Got it- you didn't have one.
(60,536 posts)I've been involved in the Gay Rights movement for more than 45 years, I know exactly where you are coming from. However, I will continue to ask people to leave my home if they use the term queer, fag, faggot, the N word, the term kike for Jews, spick, wet-back or similar terms of derision and ridicule for Latinos.
And again, I didn't presume jack-shit about you. My comment was based on my experience working with victims of homophobic assaults, racist attacks, rape and discrimination.
(7,042 posts)Me too...although it's a few more for me. That means we have something in common.
Your experience is yours and mine is mine. There is room for different strategies and approaches. I respect that you disagree with mine. That doesn't invalidate the effectiveness of either. The fact that we now have queer TV shows destigmitizing the word supports my argument. Certainly doesn't mean the word is never used derogatorily or with malice. I'm sure it is. I just don't give it that power.
(60,536 posts)I just think that right now, there are major priorities needing to be addressed. Priorities I am willing to march into hell for, I'm not willing to march there as an advocate for "go ahead, call me queer. I love it!"
(7,042 posts)Speaking only from my personal experience, I have marched and I have yelled 'We're Queer, We're Here, Get Used To It' and from my perspective, I have changed the world with that I am certain you have in your own way.
(7,042 posts)If I were to come to your house and I promise not to use the word queer as I would never want to offend the host, can I bring queer food for the dinner party?
Check this out:
(7,042 posts)fightthegoodfightnow
(7,042 posts)Not mine. No 'research' required. I'm queer.
(19,288 posts)I consider it empowering. I'm still being refered to as a he. I'm taking it as a compliment. I think my soul might be androgenous. I've had 3 sons. I heard the male hormones mark the mothers brain with testosterone. Makes permanent changes that mothers of females don't have.
Even some boyfriends I've had remark that I get it. That I understand. That I think like a man. I guess I write like a man. The I/P group is disgusted with me. The complaints reference me as he. Oh, well. I can take it like a man.
(7,042 posts)Thanks! I agree. And each of us is entitled to define ourselves anyway we want- including you!