Drug Policy
Related: About this forumIs it wrong to be a one issue voter?
I've decided to only support Democratic candidates whom support the rescheduling of Marijauna. Is that selfish of me? Should I hold my nose and vote against my interest for the good of all?
I need to start a gofundme for moving expense's to Colorado,Washington,Alaska.
Living under sharia laws here in Talibama is reaching a breaking point.It is a beautiful state being run by 1% er's whom own everything and convince the poor folks to vote against they're own interest.
Off my rant.

(12,383 posts)If all likely Democratic voters were to base their vote on a particular issue then it is all over. It doesn't work for us. Now if you want to vote only for those who are true to the core Democratic party values I'm with you.
(18,184 posts)"To thine own self be true".
(Probably because I agree with you on this issue).
(3,811 posts)or share all of my values and ethics. I vote for the person and the party who come closest.
My agenda would include legalization of marijuana, imprisonment for corporate polluters and environmental crimes, revoking most commercial limited liability corporate charters, abolishing private ownership of land, etc.
(21,946 posts)a Democrat into the Whitehouse.
(39 posts)Thank you for the response's.
I will wait and see how it all unfolds.
(25,577 posts)iscooterliberally
(3,050 posts)This is more of a linchpin issue that affects many things. The drug war has really undermined our 4th amendment rights. There are many prisoners working in call centers for pennies an hour that are taking full paying jobs away from our economy. There are no private prisons pushing for more ways to lock up more people so they can make more money. If you raise enough cash to make your move, don't carry a large amount of cash with you. You might get pulled over at a police check point and have it seized. They don't have to charge you with a crime. They can just take it, and it's unlikely that you will get it back. Most reasonable adults don't need the federal government telling them what they can and can't consume. The government should only be there to make sure that what is on the label is what is actually in the package. It's long past time we voted the drug prohibitionists out. Prohibition is a failed experiment.