Drug Policy
Related: About this forumEveryone is talking about medical marijuana, but what about LSD?
Native Amazonians have used Ayahuasca, a psychedelic brew, to promote spiritual healing and growth for hundreds of years. Steve Jobs (among many others) stated that his experiences with psychedelics were among the most important moments of his life. That these chemicals can be of lasting value to tribesmen and tech titans alike is a remarkable indication of their potential value to humanity at large, and yet our government labels them as both more dangerous and less medically beneficial than methamphetamine.
The shaming and subsequent outlawing of psychedelics in the 1960s killed the promising research being made at the time. Vestiges of this outdated sentiment still influence drug policy and limit our understanding of psychedelics. But, the global scientific community is challenging this longstanding reservation. Renewed study of psychedelics is improving their tarnished reputation by debunking old myths and discovering new health benefits.
Such research shows that classic psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin and DMT can have lasting, positive psychological effects on most users. Even a single dose of LSD can promote robust healing in cases of alcoholism and depression. Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can lessen end-of-life anxiety for the terminally ill. Many other studies demonstrate similar findings.
LSD and psilocybin can benefit healthy people too. These drugs have a reputation for profoundly improving creativity and outlook on life. Bad trips, flashbacks and other negative phenomena are actually quite rare, and are preventable with responsible, supervised use. And no, you cannot overdose or develop a physical dependence on classic psychedelics. In fact, they are less addictive and less harmful than many legal intoxicants like sugar, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.
Read more: http://www.dailytexanonline.com/2015/07/09/everyone-is-talking-about-medical-marijuana-but-what-about-lsd

Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Perfect if you want to get nekid and get in a pile.
(4,558 posts)Nekid, and in a pile, and be unable to do a damn thing about it.. Oh look, her boobs are AWESOME.. OMG they have teeth and are going to eat me!!! But the skin on them is so smooth and silky, I think I'll poke them.. OMG her skin is rippling across her body like water waves!!! ooo, my fingers are soooooo long and pointed..
Sexual exploration while on some dots is an awesome, and horrific experience, but getting an erection is highly difficult, maintaining it.. damn near impossible.. Getting off (as a guy at least) almost requires outside assistance from someone who is not trippin' with ya. I will say this though.. you find someone who's willing to help you with that, and .. WOOOOOOOOOW!
Although, I guess with things like Viagra and Ciallis, this probably isn't that big an obstacle these days.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Went on for hours and hours. Chugging water like crazy too.
(14,459 posts)Legalization across the board is coming. I live in a super red state, but nobody so much as bats an eye here anymore. They talk about how they all did it at one time, and why haven't I?
(3,050 posts)I can go out a buy a box of cigars or a carton of cigarettes. We all know how bad & addictive these things are, but I can get them. In the very same room where I bought those things, I can get a fifth of whiskey. Alcohol is arguably the most dangerous drug on earth, and if I try to drink that whole bottle down in one sitting I will most likely die unless taken to the ER. Now I can take those two things and get behind the wheel of my 3000 pound motor vehicle that has a speedometer that says I can go as fast as 160 miles per hour. I can drive down the road to a gun show and buy a semi automatic combat rifle. So there I am with my cigars, my fifth of whiskey, my too fast for most roads car, and a combat rifle. Yet, somehow, I can't be trusted with a bottle of percocet, or a gram of cocaine, or an ounce of cannabis, or a few hits of LSD? How the fuck does that make any sense at all? It's pretty obvious that are drug laws aren't aimed at making us any safer. They were aimed at a certain group of people that the powers that be wanted locked up. We now have more people behind bars than any other nation on earth. Our national anthem is a lie (land of the free..yeah sure). The rule of law has been undermined, and in many cases the cops are worse than the criminals. We have swat teams tossing a flash bang grenade into a babies crib. Our neighbors to the north have warned their citizens not to travel in the US with large amounts of cash. The cops will steal it from you here. Drug prohibition sucks and every politician that still thinks it's a good idea should be tossed out of office.