Drug Policy
Related: About this forumWar on Some Drugs becoming much more unpopular among Latin American leaders
http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/324-100/10856-war-on-drugs-has-failed-say-latin-american-leadersOne diplomat closely involved with the summit described the event as historic, saying it would be the first time for 40 years that leaders had met to have an open discussion on drugs. "This is the chance to look at this matter with new eyes," he said.
Latin America's increasing hostility towards prohibition makes Obama's attendance at the summit potentially difficult. The Obama administration, keen not to hand ammunition to its opponents during an election year, will not want to be seen as softening its support for prohibition. However, it is seen as significant that the US vice-president, Joe Biden, has acknowledged that the debate about legalising drugs is now legitimate.
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former president of Brazil and chairman of the global commission on drug policy, has said it is time for "an open debate on more humane and efficient drug policies", a view shared by George Shultz, the former US secretary of state, and former president Jimmy Carter.

(8,244 posts)90-percent
(6,926 posts)The conventional wisdom is that 50,000 people have been killed recently in the Mexican Drug Wars.
the people that run our planet sure don't give a rats ass about their fellow human beings, or else they'd stop the insanity.
Do these pin heads know nothing about the history of prohibitions and the organized crime consequences?
Root Question: Why is the demand for drugs in America so strong? What is it with us that we need all these drugs just to get through life?
-90% Jimmy
(5,610 posts)I have my views. "Our" politicians and political party (corptocracy), benefits greatly from prohibition. I believe that campaign coffers are full of drug lord money, especially in the border states. Also federal coffers.
Add that to contributions from the growing private prison industrial complex, CIA mule money and the money that the courts rake in ( probation, what a privatized scam), there is so much money generated from prohibition and funneled to politicians that I am sure that I don't know half of it.
As for the demand in America? We have become a Fascist country. IMO, in the 60's through early 80's most young people used drugs for entertainment and socialization. I believe that now, most drug use among the non-wealthy, is self medicating, to escape the realities of our lives. We are slaves. In retrospect, it was probably much the same in the 60's and 80's for many people. The suffering was just not as widespread.
We watched this happen to Russian society, we are now in our death throes. Greed is the reason.
(6,926 posts)I like to think of the root cause of stuff. The best definition of the root cause of our invisible glacier-like but accelerating into the reborn Dark Ages state of affairs is simply this classic George Carlin Video. Gets right to the nucleus of the problem in concise rapier-like keen intelligent reasoned fashion.
And here is my bumper sticker that attempts to capture the essence of George's message.
Our institutions are infested with corrupt sociopaths.
-90% Jimmy
PS - boy, that is so ironic that Warner Brothers seems to be getting all copyright bullying about this piece at youtube. ARE THEY TRYING TO RUB IT IN THAT WE ARE OWNED BY CORPORATIONS BY GETTING SO HEAVY HANDED??? Can't you just be generous and let us 99%'ers enjoy a few minutes with one of the most profound messages for our times, by a smart beloved talented comedian that never went stale. On his game probably until the end.
PPS - Frank Zappa sued Warner Brothers back in the late seventies AND WON! That's one Constitutional Fundamentalist you don't want to fuck with.
(5,610 posts)you have to be asleep to believe it....