Related: About this forumDo liberals want to be right or do we want to fucking win??
Trae Crowder nails it in this interview.

(54,284 posts)msongs
(70,692 posts)because they did not fight back
(54,284 posts)difference?
I won't stay in a party if it caters to white supremacists and racists in any way. For every rural bigot you gain, you will lose ten of the rest of us.
And PS, holding the high moral ground does not mean we do not fight back.
And your comment sounds an awful lot like blaming the victim. Jews etc were not exterminated because of their refusal to cede the high moral ground. They were exterminated because sick fucks chose to use them as scapegoats and no one ELSE fought against their extermination. If the REST of the German society refused to cater to the Nazis, the Jews would not have been exterminated. So really, the ceding of the high moral ground, which appears to be what you are advocating, is exactly what led to the holocaust.
I won't do it. You go ahead if that is how you are made.
(24,268 posts)we should be Nazis. But we can sure toughen up and go on the offensive rather than being so passive in our assumption that the rethugs will play fair. The stakes are too high to take the Jesus road. Sorry. But I'm done with that shit.
(54,284 posts)MontanaMama
(24,268 posts)The road of constantly reaching across the aisle in an attempt to bargain or reason with evil. Done with that. Done with trying to "understand" the anger of the white DFT voter. I love our president, but I cannot stand any more turning of our cheeks. We are frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly coming up to temperature. Enough is enough.
(1 post)I think this song explains perfectly your situation friend DJ Khaled Im the One after all, he is the best.
(24,268 posts)Thanks for the link!! And, welcome to DU!!