Related: About this forumPortland's Progressive Voice, KPOJ AM 620 is gone. Just. Like. That.
Earlier today, Willamette Week announced that AM 620, Portland's Mighty KPOJ was going sports.
Later that same day, unceremoniously, at 5:30 PM PDT, that voice was silenced. FOX Sports Suck 620 began broadcasting, cutting Randi off in the last hour of her program.
I found out with only about 10 minutes to go.
I despise you, Clear Channel. I f@#king despise you.

(276 posts)stopped short of revealing the market or station.
clear channel is an enemy of The People.
Systematic Chaos
(8,601 posts)Because we all know that what Portland needs is 58 sports radio stations.
(19,326 posts)Now I'm going to have to figure out how to stream on my 'puter from
other stations that carry my favs on i-heart radio, like Malloy and Norman G.
Kind of a rude thing for Clear Channel to do, for sure. Assholes.
(32,557 posts)Norman Goldman live video stream (3-6pm PT):
Via iHeartRadio app, listen to Norm via 960 KNEW (San Francisco).
Via the TuneIn app, listen live via WCPT (Chicago).
Mike Malloy live stream (9pm-midnight ET):
In case the default Malloy stream doesn't work try these streams (both available via TuneIn):
- Talk Radio 1230 KFJK (Reno):
- 950 KTNF, the Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Or for delayed presentations:
- Seattle's Progressive Talk AM 1090 carries Malloy on a delay right after his live show ends (9pm-midnight PT). That station is available via the TuneIn app. (1090 also carries Norman live.)
- KJFK and KTNF play Norman G. right after Malloy.
(19,326 posts)darkangel218
(13,985 posts)And replaced it with gospel music ( few years back )
Clear Chanel are jerks!
(27,137 posts)...considering Clear Channel's owners are: Bain Capital, LLC and Thomas H. Lee Partners.
- Utter corruption can't be fixed. What is required, is a paradigm shift........
(31,706 posts)Now that Willard's lost, Bain no longer has a need to own Cheap Channel. The first move is to gut operations that are either losing money or marginal...and try to fatten up revenues. Political talk...right and left...have become economic liabilities over the past couple years while Sports talk is cheap, not controversial and one of the few remaining AM formats that make money. Next year Bain and Cheap Channel face over 14 billion in notes that either have to be paid or rescheduled...and I suspect that we'll see a lot more of these type of changes coming as Bain gets ready to do the vulture capital thing to this corporation. In the meantime it sucks for the folks in Portland...KPOJ was one of the most successful Progressive talk station in the country. Hopefully another station will jump on the opportunity...
(580 posts)I need my progressive talk in my car and am not sure how to stream it, can anyone help?
I have a 2011 Grand Cherokee through which I can listen to itunes on my iphone via bluetooth. Does that mean I can stream radio through an app? I'm kind of dumb about technology but want to learn. I will miss Randi, Thom, etc as I drive...
(7,720 posts)on your iPhone you can download an app called I Heart Radio. With the app you can stream every Clear Channel radio station in the country ; )
Seriously, there a lot of different apps available for streaming radio boadcasts. All stations do not use the same app. You should go to the website of the station you wish to stream and you should be able to get the app through them. If you can't figure it out, send an e-mail to their webmaster with yiur questions. Their link is usually at the bottom of the homepage.
(1 post)For years, getting into my car opened up the wonderful liberal world of AM 620. I will miss it, and stream Seattle's show or some of the other sites through my computer. What a lost opportunity as Portland OR is a liberal area. Stupid move.
(1,805 posts)about 8-9 years ago. I absolutely couldn't take it and quit after 6 months. Wait, now I remember, it was a little over 10 years ago. I remember watching 9/11 w/my husband before we went to work. I worked with two of the biggest assholes ever. They went on a disgusting rant about "ragheads" and other lovely name calling. These two invented liquid lunches!
The company is also beyond sexist. The shorter your skirt, the better. Amazed I got hired. I sure never dressed like the proverbial stereotype of a librarian, but I was far from Hooterville. Plus I was about 50 - shock that they let THAT pass!
I went to a rah-rah sales mtg at the regional office in San Diego and I've never seen so many bimbos in one place. I knew right then that this job was going to be history and I quit not long after. By far the most uncomfortable I ever felt at a job. When I saw the title of this thread I KNEW it had to be Clear Channel! I bet the newspapers in Portland have received some interesting letters and emails.
(16 posts)Although I hear your pain regarding the loss of a great progressive station but fortunately there's the internet and you can find other great Progressive voices like The Young Turks.
Filmmaker, Andrew Napier has been following the story of TYT for the past three years and capturing great stories along the way including Cenk's move to and departure from MSNBC and moving to Current TV. In order to keep this documentary objective and independent, Andrew needs to raise at least 60k to pay for legal fees and various other things involving the movie. Check out for more information about the TYT documentary and to contribute.
Let's get the word out about this film so we can break through the right wing noise machine!