Related: About this forumNo. Fox and MSNBC are not the mirror image of each other
We watch MSNBC, mostly Chris Matthews, some of the morning programs and mid afternoon. When we are at home.
There was never such a gloat about "Obama winning by a landslide" the way Fox has been doing. They pointed the hypocrisy and the lies of the Republicans, yes, but never such a self delusional proclamation that the fat foxes have had.
Thank you, bigtree for the post

(15,438 posts)now has a "huge mandate". Good to know!
Cirque du So-What
(27,854 posts)From my perspective, MSNBC provides just enough 'liberal' content to placate the non-wingnut masses. I am sure the execs do not share the opinions expressed by Rachel, Ed, et al; they're merely catering to a 'niche market.' It's an inherent problem with corporate mass media. The owners would never allow their employees to report at length on any story that represented a real threat to the plutocrats.
(1,415 posts)51% owner Comcast
49% owner General Electric
'nuff said...
(5 posts)I think MSNBC is more reasonable with some of their criticisms, and their liberal bias covers most of their lineup, but we must remember they are at the end, owned by NBC Universal and are out to make a profit. Not to say on air personalities aren't out to do good, but they are controlled by people that might not-so-much.
Response to question everything (Original post)
ImAllAloneHere Message auto-removed
(41,832 posts)From the terms of service page:
Democratic Underground is an online community for politically liberal people who understand the importance of working within the system to elect more Democrats and fewer Republicans to all levels of political office. Teabaggers, Neo-cons, Dittoheads, Paulites, Freepers, Birthers, and right-wingers in general are not welcome here. Neither are certain extreme-fringe left-wingers, including advocates of violent political/social change, hard-line communists, terrorist-apologists, America-haters, kooks, crackpots, LaRouchies, and the like.
(1,415 posts)I'm impressed .
(797 posts)And at least tries to get their facts and figures right.
FOX on the other hand just throws anything out there that seems to serve their purpose and whether its true or factual really makes no difference to them, They are kinda like the journalistic equivalent of professional wrestling and should never be taken at face value. We report,you decide is their motto
On the lead up to the election i was on a big rightwing orientated forum and those righties were just trashing the few of us liberals over there, they thought they had it in the bag,Romney in a landslide For the next few weeks after Nov 6 i had much fun spiking the ball and shoving all their FOX,Limbaugh BS back down their throats. guess they finally could take it no more and did me a big favor by banning me.
Going over to that other site in lurker mode they still cant believe they lost and continue to come up with all manner of excuses as to why..
(1,415 posts)who sell out to whatever group they can get. They both suck equally and for the exact same reasons.
Just because I agree with Rachel and Chris rather than Sean and Bill doesn't mean I don't notice them taking a squat over the grave of Edward R. Murrow a REAL television and radio journalist, and not just a talking head.