Turkish laser shoots down enemy drone in Libya, making military history
For the first time ever, a weaponised laser shot from a combat vehicle destroyed an enemy vehicle in battle, and it is Turkish technology behind one of the more significant recent advancements in military technology, according to the military news site Army Recognition.
Turkey is not sufficiently recognised in the ranks of the countries-innovators in military affairs, Alexander Timokhin wrote for Army Recognition on Monday. But it seems that they will be able to surprise the population of the planet in this century.
Earlier this month, an armed UAE drone, made in China as the Wing Loong II, was doing reconnaissance over the Misurata area for Haftar and looking for targets for its anti-tank missile. Suddenly, it plummeted and crashed into the desert, and the photo soon flew around the world.
The Turkish laser that shot down the UAV in mid-flight, according to Timokhin, is mounted on an off-road armored car and equipped with a Turkish-made opto-electronic guidance system.