Senator: Military justice changes must go beyond sex cases
Source: Associated Press
Senator: Military justice changes must go beyond sex cases
June 18, 2021
WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is on the brink of success in her yearslong campaign to get sexual assault cases removed from the military chain of command. But getting over the finish line may depend on whether she can overcome wariness about broader changes shes seeking to the military justice system.
There is now widespread support for using independent military lawyers to handle sexual misconduct cases, but Gillibrand is promoting legislation that goes beyond that, extending that change to all major crimes. Top Pentagon officials and key lawmakers are open to the sexual assault shift, but they say applying it more broadly requires far more study and debate.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Gillibrand said the wider change is necessary to combat racial injustice within the military, where studies have found that Black people are more likely to be investigated and arrested for misconduct. She intends to press that point in the coming days.
Asked if she might compromise on her bill, Gillibrand said that time has passed. Weve been doing that for eight years. Weve been getting something through every year, and some things just dont work. You need this broad-based reform, the New York Democrat said. This is a bill whose time has come.
For years, however, lawmakers have framed their push for change in the military justice system around problems with sexual misconduct cases. Victims largely women have long said they are reluctant to file sexual assault or harassment complaints because they fear they wont be believed or will face retaliation. Theyve complained that allegations are sometimes dismissed by a good ol boys network among unit commanders or that attackers get away with minimal punishments.
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