Any OIF or OEF vets out there wanna rant
My DM is available first of all I never was in war yet if you want to reach out Ill listen , I was lucky served 84-87 11B my choice as 17 year old. Yet in our family we have three vets OIF and OEF, two son in laws and my nephew.
Our one son in law was naval corpsman walked with marine infantry, our other son in law was a scout and we all know as former infantry scouts and tankers think their shit doesnt smell
. My nephew was infantry as well who is now on recruiting status , we had them all for Sunday dinner yesterday it was a nice time. Although I would advise against having a sailor as a partner in playing spades just my opinion.
I love them and when they leave I hug and kiss them on cheek and tell them I love you , yes vets even the my shit doesnt stink scout
gets a hug kiss and I love you. If you want to rant hit my Dm Ill listen, Im around today working Union grievances remotely.
Dashonebravo no you may not cry about sand hill i do not want to hear it.