U.S. will spend $6 billion to remove military equipment from Afghanistan by 2014

U.S. will spend $6 billion to remove military equipment from Afghanistan by 2014
By Emma Graham-Harrison, The Guardian
Monday, March 25, 2013 18:00 EDT
Fighting wars is expensive, but so is winding them down. As the US prepares to ship most of its weapons, vehicles and other equipment home after more than a decade in Afghanistan, the bill for the move will be a staggering $6bn, officers in charge of the complex process say.
Rusting Soviet tanks and guns still dot the Afghan landscape, serving as bleak memorials to violence of the 1980s, and perhaps a spur to Nato forces to ensure there are no similar reminders from the last decade of conflict.
The US military has pledged it will level any bases not handed over to Afghan forces and fly out, drive out or scrap the weapons, equipment and tens of thousands of Humvees and expensive MRAPs mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles it has shipped in since 2001.
To do this, it must sort through 100,000 shipping containers and strip down nearly 30,000 vehicles scattered in hundreds of bases across Afghanistans mountains and deserts, all by a 2014 deadline, while making sure nearly 70,000 US soldiers still in Afghanistan are not left short of equipment they need to fight.
unhappycamper comment: Prediction: Six billion dollars is a lowball estimate.