GCV And Beyond: How The Army Is Gettin’ Heavy After Afghanistan

GCV And Beyond: How The Army Is Gettin Heavy After Afghanistan
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. on March 11, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Americas Army has developed a bit of a split personality of late. On the one hand, the top brass has very publicly embraced the administrations January 2012 strategic guidance that emphasizes innovative, low-cost, and small-footprint approaches and building partner capacity in lieu of large ground force deployments. Leaders from Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno on down talk up the Armys capabilities in cyberspace, missile defense, seaborne operations, and small advisor teams.
At the same time, the services biggest new weapons program remains the controversial Ground Combat Vehicle, an estimated $34 billion program to build what could be 70-ton-plus behemoths optimized for all-out land war. Low-cost and small-footprint it aint. (Innovative it may be; read on). And GCV is just the tip of the armored iceberg.
The problem, of course, is the bottom line. Talk is cheap; tanks arent. Cybersecurity, small special ops teams, and relationship-building fit well into a declining budget; new armored vehicles do not. And both the Armys budget and its manpower are declining more steeply than any other services.
To make things worse, of course, theres the Armys atrocious acquisition record over the past 15 years, killing 22 major programs after spending billions on them, including the infamous Future Combat System, from which GCV evolved.
So while the Army wants to beef up its combat brigades and reconnaissance formations, it has to do so as much as possible by repurposing the troops and equipment it already has, buying as little new gear as possible. Were trying to do this as zero-sum
using existing force structure, Maj. Gen. Arthur Bartell, ARCICs chief of staff, told Breaking Defense in a sidebar conversation at the AUSA winter conference. Its a Rubiks Cube.
unhappycamper comment: The Army also needs to figure out what to do with all those million dollar MRAPS sitting in Afghanistan.