F-35: Sequester May Cost Air Force 5 More F-35As; Air Guard, Modernization At Risk

F-35: Sequester May Cost Air Force 5 More F-35As; Air Guard, Modernization At Risk
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. on May 15, 2013 at 5:56 PM
ARLINGTON: I dont have the exact number yet, Air Force Maj. Gen. Edward Bolton said Tuesday, but to pay the bill for sequestration, the service might have to cut its fiscal 2013 procurements by two, three, four, maybe even five F-35s.
That moneys just gone, sighed Bolton, the services outgoing deputy assistant secretary for budget, as he addressed a gathering of industry insiders and retired officers (often the same people) at the Arlington headquarters of the non-profit Air Force Association.
The prospective cut would bring the services 2013 purchase down from the 19 Joint Strike Fighters requested in the presidents budget to as few as 14.
But all is hanging. I have final sequestration numbers; I dont have final decisions on how theyre going to implement that in some of the acquisition programs, he said.