Australian military embroiled in fresh sexual harassment scandal

Australian military embroiled in fresh sexual harassment scandal
By Agence France-Presse
Thursday, June 13, 2013 13:52 EDT
SYDNEY The Australian military was embroiled in a new sex scandal Thursday with 17 personnel, including officers, under investigation after hundreds of explicit and repugnant emails and images demeaning women were uncovered.
Army chief, Lieutenant-General David Morrison, said he was appalled at the revelations, which follow a government report last year detailing more than 1,000 claims of sexual or other abuse in the forces from the 1950s to the present day.
That report was sparked by the so-called Skype scandal in 2011, when footage of a young male recruit having sex with a female classmate was streamed online to cadets in another room without her knowledge.
He said they involve the alleged production and distribution of highly inappropriate material across both defence computer systems and the public Internet over the last three years. Illicit drug use may also be involved.