Air Force officer charged with rape and child molestation

Air Force officer charged with rape and child molestation
By Arturo Garcia
Saturday, June 22, 2013 21:08 EDT
A U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel faces court-martial after being charged with assault, rape and lewd acts against a child for a series of alleged abuses over a six-year period in two states.
The Military Times reported on Thursday that Lt. Col. Reginald W. Kabbans trial at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, where he is currently stationed, has been rescheduled for Sept. 23. Kabban was originally set to go to trial on June 10.
Prosecutors said Kabbans attacks against the victim, a girl younger than 12 years old, allegedly occurred between August 2005 and November 2011 in Virginia and Ohio. Business Insider reported that Kabban was previously posted at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, close to the location of the initial assaults. He is accused of fondling, tripping, hitting the girl in the face and cutting her in the arm with a knife.
In May, Lt. Col. Jeff Krusinski, who led the USAFs Sexual Assault Prevention office, was arrested for allegedly attacking a woman in a parking lot. A sexual assault prevention and response brochure was later revealed to advise victims, It may be advisable to submit.