Obama's 'zero option' on AfPak is viable

Obama's 'zero option' on AfPak is viable
Jul 10, '13
By M K Bhadrakumar
The Clausewitzean fog of war is thickening in the Hindu Kush. The New York Times reported over the weekend that President Barack Obama is seriously considering a "zero option" for Afghanistan, namely, a total pullout of American troops by end-2014 - lock, stock and barrel, as they say.
In the US perception, what lends credence to such an interpretation of Karzai's motives is that the preparations for the 2014 poll are already falling behind and he does not seem to be in any hurry.
Obama likely intended the threat of "zero option" as a "shock therapy" to Karzai so that he falls in line. But, on the other hand, this could be more than a mere "psywar" and Obama could be dead serious about the "zero option". The point is, a few thousands US troops can and will stay in Afghanistan only if the SOFA is in place.
In sum, the problem Obama is grappling with is that he is pushing the US' geopolitical agenda, whereas Karzai's priority lies in the stabilization of his country. Obama's "zero option" message means the following: "Allow us to have nine military bases, or else we will quit and leave you to the wolf."