The Repetition Compulsion for War -- and How It Might Fail This Time

The Repetition Compulsion for War -- and How It Might Fail This Time
by Norman Solomon
Published on Saturday, September 7, 2013 by Common Dreams
No matter how many times weve seen it before, the frenzy for launching a military attack on another country is -- to the extent were not numb -- profoundly upsetting. Tanked up with talking points in Washington, top officials drive policy while intoxicated with what Martin Luther King Jr. called the madness of militarism, and most media coverage becomes similarly unhinged. Thats where we are now.
But new variables have opened up possibilities for disrupting the repetitive plunge to war. Syria is in the crosshairs of U.S. firepower, but cracks in the political machinery of the warfare state are widening here at home. For advocates of militarism and empire by any other name, the specter of democratic constraint looms as an ominous threat.
Into the Capitol Hill arena, the Obama White House sent Secretary of State John Kerry to speak in a best-and-brightest dialect of neocon tongues. The congressional hierarchies of both parties -- Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, John Boehner, Eric Cantor -- are on the same page for an attack on Syria. And meanwhile, the U.S. mass media have been cranking up the usual adrenalin-pumped hype for war.
More than 10 years ago, American media outlets were filled with breathless idolatry of the latest U.S. weapons poised to strike Iraq. Now, the big TV networks are at it again starting to hype the Pentagons high-tech arsenal thats ready to demolish Syrian targets. Of course the people at the other end of the weaponry arent in the picture.