$10.5B of Canadian work on F-35 fighter jets at risk without order: Lockheed Martin

$10.5B of Canadian work on F-35 fighter jets at risk without order: Lockheed Martin
Ross Marowits, The Canadian Press
Published Friday, September 13, 2013 1:04PM EDT
MONTREAL -- Canada's aerospace industry could lose about $10.5 billion worth of contracts over several decades if the federal government ultimately decides not to purchase the controversial F-35 Stealth Fighter, says a senior executive at Lockheed Martin.
Orlando Carvalho, executive vice-president of the U.S. defence giant, says Lockheed will honour $500 million worth of business already awarded to Canadian partners but that other work would be in jeopardy without a Canadian jet order.
"If in fact the Canadian government were to decide not to select the F-35 we will certainly honour the contracts that we have here with the Canadian industry but our approach in the future would be to try to do business with the industries that are in the countries that are buying the airplane," he said in an interview after officially opening its new engine overhaul facility in Montreal.
Carvalho said Lockheed estimates that Canadian industry could potentially receive $11 billion of contracts over 25 to 40 years as its builds 3,000 planes for air forces around the world.
unhappycamper comment: I like the way Lockheed has outsourced manufacturing parts for this technological 'wonder'.
"Buy some F-35s and we'll let you make parts."