Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair's court-martial on sexual assault allegations delayed, Fort Bragg s

Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair's court-martial on sexual assault allegations delayed, Fort Bragg says
By Andrew Barksdale
Published: 07:08 AM, Wed Sep 25, 2013
Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair's court-martial on sexual assault and other charges has been delayed a second time, Fort Bragg officials said Tuesday.
The trial was set to begin Monday. Based on a motion filed by Sinclair's defense team, a military judge pushed back the trial to Jan. 7, a spokesman said.
Sinclair, 50, is accused of sexually assaulting a captain under his command near the end of a three-year affair with her. His other charges under military law include improper relationships with three other women and misuse of government travel money when visiting a mistress.
Sinclair, a former deputy commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, has admitted to the affair but denies the other accusations.