Related: About this forumUpdate trooper at benning he is fine and bitching
Just opened a letter from him it came other day. I just read it well week two of OSUT INFANTRY school. And Ill see him in may after jump school. And to quote my plt sgt from the eighty deuce alls a paratrooper needs is a open door and a piece of sky time to go to work people.
So In troops letter there was quite a few choice adjectives such as fuck son of a bitch assholes so I know he is ok by bitching . Examples
1- they were at a range and were promised hot chow but had to settle for a MRE.
2- one day they got done late and he only got around 2.5 hour sleep because he had fire guard. He would have gotten 3.5 but duty calls. Army says youll get 4 hours sleep a day when I was in but somewhere there has to be fine print stating not all at one shot.
3-the stress and getting smoked by DRILL Sgts has greatly increased since starting INFANTRY SCHOOL. it seems he was under the impression that somehow that would decrease.
So as I read his letter Im thinking he is doing well. And I smile because I tried to explain to him that infantry is a world all to its self to quote Dash one how many people have shit in a Mre bag in the back of a deuce in half as it is moving. Or after a twenty five mile road march and your exhausted now its time to go to work. Or my favorite dash one quote gee I hope that pine tree is ok I hit it landing on the DZ and must have taken 25 feet of bark off of it. I say this not out of arrogance because I respect all that have served. But young troop will be a part of a world of a very few. And that he will be serving with airborne infantry warriors not sure maybe the 82nd or maybe the 173rd. My fathers old alma mater. Now I sit and think of what awaits young trooper ,the first time in jump school I walked into the C-130 I was terrified the blast from the engines hitting us. And my best friend asking me you ok my reply fuck no man. So several vets have asked for update on mister he is well take care.

(10,069 posts)I was there in May, June, and July. Hotter than the hinges of hell.
(14,105 posts)I was there June to October and it was hot. Melted my testicles 😁
Im glad you heard from him.
Its when they stop complaining that you start to worry. Its definitely a different lifestyle with absolutely no privacy.
You can send a set of your wings down once you get his class number. Im sure they have someone from the 82nd as a Black Hat to pin them on. My dad took a set of his Master Blaster wings and cut the star and wreath off and pinned them on me. They dont allow Blood Wings anymore.
(9,919 posts)Recruits gonna bitch..