Rural/Farm Life
Related: About this forumshort vid of the girls in the temp run yesterday
(24,354 posts)I have a number of little fluff-ball Silkies, and a pair of Silver Spangled Spitzhaubens (so beautiful, aren't they?) Can't tell what your others are.
I'm always interested in others' coop and run setups, to get ideas. We just built a new coop, and converted the old donkey pen into a huge chickie turnout. I went on a chicken buying spree in the spring.....
(959 posts)I adore the silky. they look so goofy they melt your heart.. the black and white is an appenzeller spitz, and yeah they are stunning looking.. The big gray and white is a barred rock, he's pretty much the leader. The other three are bantams, 2 I think are golden seabrights and I have no idea what the third is. I am pretty sure it's a rooster and he's a pretty little thing. I got the bantams out of the bin at TSC so they are probably mutts..
Ill take pics of the coop in a few days.. I recently finished it and its an absolute unit of a building. That thing isn't going anywhere and its pretty predator proof. The run is temp till I start start making a proper one.
So far I have 6, but the plans I based the coop off says it can house 18. its 10X8X8
Spitzhaubens and Appenzellers look a lot alike. The first Spitz I ever had years ago, was such a sweetie. She became sick, so she lived in a box in my laundry room for about a month till she kicked whatever it was. She would wake me up in the morning, singing. I have never heard a chicken do that before or since.
I love the little bantams. Right now, I have a crowd of Silkies (my favorite), one little Seabright rooster, and one Mille Fleur de Uncle who came with me when I moved back from Calif. He has to be about 102 in chicken years.
I probably have about 40 chickens now, mostly from the big Amish sale (no idea what some of those are), and a local chicken lady. Very skittery, since they were never handled before. Same with the ducks.