Related: About this forum*Social Security Works - Fighting Privatization of Medicare ('Medicare Disadvantage')
Daily Kos, Oct. 19, 2023. (Image: Jon Bauman as character Bowzer with title 'Fight Medicare Privatization,' advertising fundraising webinar to raise funds for ads).
Tis the Season to be bombarded with tempting offers for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. Ive read that many of you are happy with your MA plans, good for you, and I hope you stay happy. The rest of you should know that MA plans are a path to privatization of Medicare. MA Plan providers make offers that sound too good to be true. However, they limit provider choice, and may raise premiums in later years when itll be harder for subscribers to get back into traditional Medicare with a medigap policy.
Social Security Works that has been trying to protect Social Security and Medicare. They had a virtual event today to raise funds for a new ad (the ad starts at around 5:48 in this YouTube link). I encourage you to watch the whole presentation if you want an in-depth discussion about the Medicare versus MA, however, Social Security Works also has this handy facts sheet. From the Social Security Works email sent to today (Oct 19, 2023):
Every year, private for-profit health insurance corporations like UnitedHealthcare spend millions on advertisements featuring boomer icons like Jimmie Walker or Joe Namath to trick seniors into choosing private plans that make their money by delaying care and denying services.
The ads fighting privatization of Medicare will air during the open enrollment period and feature Jon Bauman who is a strong advocate for Medicare and Social Security. He was the bandleader (Bowzer) of the group Sha Na Na and makes the point that tv and sports stars are not experts in health insurance and that they are getting paid a lot of money to pitch those MA plans...

(7,080 posts)some people just cant afford regular Medicare.
Silent Type
(8,626 posts)If Kaiser expands to my area, I'd likely sign up now.
I'd rather see Medicare-for-All, no deductibles/coinsurance, dental, hearing, etc. But the odds of that happening in the next 20 years is about zero.
(2,953 posts)Medicare. AARP had a recent article stating Medicare is solvent to 2031, and that it is unliikely changes will be made untl we near the deadline. I for one am tired of the politicians waiting for the last second to fix things, whether it be SocialSecurity, Medicare, the budget or debt ceiling. No more drama. And please do not tell us we cannot afford it.
(5,073 posts)it's that they keep covertly stealing our money. The insurance money for SS and Med was set aside years and years ago, in anticipation of the Boomer generation retiring. Republicans STOLE this money in various ways, both large and small. THAT is what should be getting trumpeted from every mountain top on all kinds of media. You work your whole life; your paychecks are "docked" a large amount of money in these taxes with anticipation that when it comes time for you to retire it'll be there for you. Instead, you find out Republicans have raided the "locked vault" for various corporate and 1% tax giveaways, as well as funding unfunded wars.
I guess I'm totally naive in what I'm going to say next, but I'd think that would make even the most raging cult member MAGA mad. But then, these people throw money at a supposed billionaire to fund his legal costs, even though it costs them food out of their own mouths. So, what do I know about these people? They're beyond my understanding.
I do believe there needs to be an equal number of ads on TV that explain the differences between MA and Medicare, and also what the consequences going forward are once you are ever signed up for MA. This information isn't getting to people who need to understand it. They've made it a complex, complicated process. And I resent the fact that you're still expected to understand and make these kinds of choices at ages when your marbles are getting tossed due to old age. There are ways to state it simply for people.
My sister's husband is nearing 67. They went to a public workshop on Medicare, SS, and MA issues. They came out of it more confused than when they went into it. I sat down with my sister and explained what had happened to me, what I'd discovered through research since then, and gave her the pro's and con's of both MA and Medicare. How hard is that for a group of "experts" to do?!
(2,953 posts)and it took me too much time to realize the best way to go is original medicare and a Supplemental and Drug coverage. I do believe the complexity is by design. Regarding costs,we as a natin spend almost 20% on healthcare, for what I see are mediocre results on a national level. Yes, the wealthy and well insured do fine. We need to level the playing field.
(54,273 posts)We've had it for three years.
Saved thousands.
No monthly premium, no deductible.
No problem seeing the specialists we want/need.
Vision and dental coverage.
No co-pay for most prescriptions.
No co-pay for PCP.
Miz t and I are both scheduled for some major surgery and our cost will be around $500 each.
What's not to like?
(27,427 posts)My Medicare Advantage has been amazing. Had a heart attack in December, 2020. I paid zero for the hospital care. And nothing after that. Recently I tripped on a sidewalk, fell down, broke an arm. I think I might have paid a $25/deductible for some kind of service. Meanwhile, I recovered from that trip and fall.
Oh, the ER bill for that fall was something like $7,000. I paid no more than the deductible.
When I had my heart attack, the final bill was around $80,000. I paid the deductible.
I know, Medicare Advantage is terrible, right? Oh, not really.
(6,759 posts)Otherwise it depends on where you live or even what county you live in. I have BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage PPO. So does my husband. I pay $0 per month and get dental, vision & hearing .Part D prescriptions are also part of it. It also comes with an over the counter (products) card that is reloaded quarterly. My husband just got a crown that was fully covered. All our docs take our insurance. It sounds like a gamble between regular Medicare and MA. I picked this plan because it was similar to the one I had through work.