Related: About this forumHaving first cold I've had since I can't remember when!
Visited my grands last weekend, 2 1/2 years old and 10 months old, and likely picked up a bug they brought home from 'school/day care.' They are not symptomatic, but likely comes with the territory. Next visit, I guess I'll be more careful about sharing their snacks!

(3,865 posts)I also haven't had one in years. Usually I take esberitox ( a form of echinacae) and that knocks it out before it emerges.
This time didn't work. I'm not getting better, feel worse every day.
I don't think there is anything I can do except wait it out.
I hope it's not a long-lasting one.
feel better.
you'n me, ellen!!!
Mine 'just emerged' Monday night, took me a while to recognize it. Had been out of town, so went shopping for 'stuff' yesterday, got Vit C, Echinacea at daughter's suggestion, I've never tried it, and day/night capsules. I'm feeling sorry for myself too, and sure hopes it doesn't last and last and last!
(3,865 posts)now I have fever.
tomorrow i'm going to go to a health food store and try to find something - a homeopathic.
bec this is just hanging around too long. I live alone and I have nothing to do.
i listen to radio, i won't turn on tv til later.
lucky i had a couple of books - pulp fiction kind - that i been reading.
I hope both of our ailment's are short-lived.

(138,720 posts)I may have had a bit of fever Wednesday, but handled by ibuprofen so felt OK. Probably take more naps than usual.
Any ear ache? Daughter got ear infections with every cold she got. I never have done so.
I too live alone (most of the time.) THIS is my 24/7 radio station:
Be well!
(3,865 posts)usually I listen online to wbai (Pacifica) and npr- not that i like npr's politics - they are decidedly middle of the road, but I like to just have a voice on.
I used to get npr on my computer, but recently they changed their way, and my 10-year old computer can no longer access them so I listen to bai - which finally is going off of fund-raising mode.
I have a little tinge in on ear, nothing big.
I think we often get ear aches from blowing nose too much.
I try not to blow, but then I sniff too much. The best is to let it run, and wipe it. yucky.
so i just got Hyland's (a homeopathic) for cold and flu, and airborne for immune defense.
i'm sure to get better.
i will try this station.
i hope you improve rapidly.
I am entering my second week of pneumonia. I am under medical treatment though. I spent 4 days in the hospital last week.
Glad you're being attended to.
(27,427 posts)Each time you get a cold, you gain immunity to that specific virus. Which is why children typically get lots of colds, one a month is common in the early years. As you get older, not so many colds. But you can still have the unpleasant surprise of meeting up with (for you) a brand new cold virus.
I'm in my late 60s and can't really recall my last cold. At least six years ago. It is nice, not to get them any more.
It's also helpful to understand that getting the flu also makes you immune for many flu viruses into the future. Which is not an agrument for not getting the flu vaccine, but simply an explanation of how immunity works.
(3,865 posts)I finally went to a doctor....
I have no bronchitis, no pneaumonia, no fever (I had had fever), cough is under control (with a homeopathic cough syrup).
i do have a sinus infection. She gave a prescription for an antibiotic, said I can try other means to fix it, and in 2 days - if not better, or if fever returns, or cough, then get the antibiotic.
so tomorrow will go to health food store and see what they have for sinus infection. and tomorrow will do some research.
i feel much better (mentally) knowing i have no serious illness, I was actually a little worried.
I hope you are well.
(138,720 posts)I'm much better; was yesterday, in fact, but haven't yet left the homestead. DID look for meteors outside, last night/early morning.
I MUST go OUT tomorrow!