Related: About this forumSo, with all the BIG problems we are facing...
am I the only one concerned or fixated on supposedly superficial things like old age changes in my body? I reached into a box of dog biscuits today to get the last one out, and SLICED my arm on the cardboard edge. Oh, my skin, my hands have big fat purple veins and old person ridges. When I bump my arm, it looks as though I've been beaten.
This is freaking me out. Apparently aging isn't for the faint of heart. Yes, I know I'm blessed to still be alive, but DAMN!

No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)Long-sleeve clothing is your friend. The blood-thinners we take, even low-dose aspirin, causes us to bruise more easily. - a trade-off for clot-prevention.
Canes prevent falls, though they take up one of your free hands, so maybe not necessary inside the house, but can be a big help outside where terrain is uneven and not so soft. (I haven't fallen yet, but wary, as sometimes balance is not the greatest.)
Grabbers are wonderful tools, for picking up newspapers outside, and many items that drop inside. Treat yourself to more than one and keep them in places where they are convenient when needed.
When I enter a room, I do a quick scan and look for the highest seating; low chairs and sofas are too hard to get out of, or too embarrassing to struggle from, especially when others are present.
I'm sure others can add hints that can remind us of other ways to cope.
(9,605 posts)
(527 posts)It does make small bumps and nudges into wounds in no time. Sometimes it is so light I don't know anything has happened until I see blood running. Ugh.
My two main complaints are lack of stamina and breathlessness. I have COPD and it doesn't take much to make me have to stop and catch my breath. Carrying anything heavy for sure is sure to do it.
I also have poor balance but haven't resorted to a cane yet. I have considered one, because it also helps take a bit of pressure off my back. Chronic backache falls into the also complaints section.
I am learning to ask for help more. Years ago on my days off I would be in the yard as soon as it was good light and work until dusk with only a break for lunch. 10 mins is my max now. I am hiring helper bees to get my yard kinda on cruise control and have turned my gardening attention to African Violets.
Now if only I could get a handle on how to stop the incoming administration and congress from removing my two main safety nets....SS and Medicare. Sigh.
(1,606 posts)what I did to cause the bruise or the small cut. Several of my friends complain of the same thing.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)the female doctor asked "How did you get this?", referring to a large bruise on my stomach of which I was unaware.
I believe she suspected I might be the subject of abuse.
I told her I knew nothing about it, and bruised very easily.