Related: About this forumAre you married? For how long and how did you meet?
I'll chime in later. It's a good tale.

(19,486 posts)trof
(54,273 posts)SharonAnn
(13,971 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)trof
(54,273 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)He would come in to order food.
(63,496 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,605 posts)Response to trof (Original post)
Baked Potato This message was self-deleted by its author.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)Ask me anything.
Married for six years. We met 50+ years ago when we were both 16.
(23,210 posts)husband died almost 1 year ago... penpals for a long time... lived 300 miles apart and one day he said he wanted to meet me... we went to the Montreal Jazz Fest and how can you help but fall in love at a Jazz Fest!!!!
it was magic!
(23,315 posts)with a mutual friend and invited them both to a party that weekend. Weve been together ever since.
(2,388 posts)Met her at a friends house,we both had been stood up by our dates for that night. My friends and I were there to pick her sister up as a date for one of them and she had been stood up as had I, so she became my date.Married in 1966 been together since. It has been fun
Response to Timewas (Reply #15)
Baked Potato This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,388 posts)I am 81 and she is 77,3 kids,17 Grand kids (7 adopted by daughter) and 13 great grand kids so far.
Mme. Defarge
(8,650 posts)Met on September 5th, married on December 26th, made it to 40 years.
(10,147 posts)We met through the Dance world
I was sent on a professional assignment to Marthas Vineyard for a weekend, in charge of a group of performers for a gig I felt we were too depleted to do. My wife D was there at her parents house on a completely different mission, but also works in the dance realm. It was really a chance meeting, but utterly transforming, instantly and everlastingly 💖
When ya know, ya know 🫶
(15,871 posts)Went in to the CR Anthony's to buy some multicolored suspenders. The cute little sales clerk said "May I help you?" Turns out she could. Hope I've helped her a bit as well. Oh-they didn't have any suspenders.
(2,186 posts)luvs2sing
(2,234 posts)We met at work, but the crazy backstory is that we had been in the same big social circle for over ten years, had tons of mutual friends, and had never met.
It gets crazier. Hubster is a popular local musician, and I had gone to see all of his bands over the years, and we never met. I dont even remember seeing him on a stage (wasnt really into musicians).
Crazier yet, in the late 80s, he moved out of state, and I found myself tagging along with a bunch of friends to his going away party! We got there late, there wasnt much going on, and I decided to walk home after about a half hour. No, I didnt know whose party I was going to, except that it was one of the guys in the band we had just gone to see.
And we never met until he moved back two years later and was splitting up with his then wife and started working at the company where I worked. It was love at first sight for both of us, causing all our friends to kick themselves for not introducing us sooner and saving both of us a couple of lousy marriages.
(5,734 posts)Met at my sisters party.
My DH and sister worked together and were best of friends
DH used to vacation with my sister and her husband- and also share a patent together.
Now all our kids are getting married.
(13,506 posts)texasfiddler
(2,196 posts)However, we still remain.
(15,275 posts)DavidDvorkin
(20,080 posts)Together for a few years before that, except for when we were separated for a time by my job. We met in college.
(7,400 posts)I posted to a gay message board about some topic that he also posted to, and we ended up responding to each other. A penpal thing started which lasted for about a year, and then we arranged a get together. About two months after that, he proposed to me. I first gave him a dire warning about what he was getting into, and I accepted. That was 18 1/2 years ago. I would have never thought that my gay ass would ever be married. Now, the 'legal' marriage took place in 2014, but we had our ceremony in 2004. I do not suggest that one try for love everlasting on the freaking home of the troll meme and Facebook, but it worked in my case. (I am not saying don't try it either, but i would suggest that, knowing the internet as I do, the odds are pretty slim that it would be the real thing and not some serial killer or psycho who likes to squat in people's houses once they move in.)
(1,200 posts)Met Feb 1968 working at LOOK magazine in Des Moines, IA. So, 53 years, next Tuesday.
(54,273 posts)ShazzieB
(19,707 posts)We met in college, through a mutual friend. It wasn't a setup or anything, we just got acquainted via hanging out with the same bunch of people, and eventually a spark was lit.
It's been quite a ride, and we survived some major bumps in the road, but we're still standing!
Random Boomer
(4,288 posts)We were both long-time Trek fans and liked the same characters and actors. Moved in together a few months later.
Finally got married about 7 years ago when a nearby state passed a gay marriage law.
(54,273 posts)1968 - I was a civilian contractor flight instructor teaching army pilots at Ft. Rucker in southeast Alabama.
I was also in the air national guard in Birmingham.
I was crashing on a squadron mate's sofa bed when in Birmingham flying F-84s.
I came in from flying late one afternoon. I was in a sweaty flight suit.
My friend's wife (5' tall) said "I need you to pick up a friend at the airport."
"Here, just take my car."
"I can't drive a straight shift."
(I had a '63 MGB.)
"OK, let's go."
No, go take a shower and wear a suit; we may stop for drinks on the way back."
(Back then we dressed up to go out.)
Here's what I later learned:
1. Maryanne, the wife, had been trying to set us up for weeks. I told her I didn't do blind dates and besides, I was doing just fine in the female companionship department.
2. She had also been touting me to the future Miz t. She was a career woman (Revlon) who wanted no entanglements at this time.
3. When the future Miz t. came walking through the arrival door, Maryanne (all 5' of her) was behind me, jumping up and down and pointing to me like "THIS IS HIM! THIS IS THE GUY!
Less than a year later we were married.