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I've already finished going through the change. Do the hot flashes ever go away, or do I get to enjoy them for the rest of my life?

(38,616 posts)The Arimidex medication they put you on was just like menopause again. So it wasnt gone for good after all for me. For a while though it was. I have two more years on the medication hopefully that will be it.
(36,212 posts)It gave me hot flashes the whole time I was on it, but now that Ive been off it about 5 years they seem to have gone away.
However, now Im like many of the other ladies here when I say I get miserably hot at the drop of a hat or other times Im cold and just cant warm up. I find hot weather especially miserable.
(38,616 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,212 posts)This time of year, If Im sitting still and reading, Im cold and need a blanket. But I do some house cleaning for 5 minutes and Im a ball of sweat. In other words, I go from one extreme to the other.
At least when Im cold a sweater or blanket does the trick. Not much you can do when its 90 degrees outside and your hubby is too cold when the a/c is set below 78
(19,486 posts)But do check with your GYN for a treatment option right for you. I was on Effexor XR in a generic form for 12 years after my total hysterectomy in 2007. I called it my Happy Pill. If I went a day without a hot flash, I was happy.
(65,559 posts)My body doesn't regulate temperature like when I as younger.
Sometimes I cannot get warm.
Other times I am flashing hot.
(3,793 posts)tblue37
(66,282 posts)Ocelot II
(123,538 posts)Got genetically lucky, I guess; my mother was the same.
(24,309 posts)I had wicked hot flashes in the day and night sweats too. Im 58 and the daytime for years. Theyre gone now but Ill still get an occasional heat blast at night. My body in general doesnt regulate itself well in terms of temperature these days. Thats annoying.
(18,998 posts)Wishing you the best!
(95,908 posts)I had to sleep on towels and change them during the night, my hair would be soaked. After, they have gone away but return once in a while and are far less extreme. Evening Primrose is said to be helpful.
I find that stress and sometimes diet are factors.
(26,793 posts)When I realized how brief they are I decided that I can just wait them out and they're not that bad. Dress in layers you can easily vent or remove.
Also there are Hot Girl Pearls and other freezable jewelry options. I also keep extra sleepwear in the bed with me in case I get sweaty and need to change. Then I don't have to get up looking for clothes in the middle of the night. Keep small battery powered fans around the house, in my handbag and in the car. And I decided to call them power surges, feels empowering.
(34,502 posts)then they got a lot less frequent and not so bad. Now, almost 69 years old, they come and go now and then. I just sweat it out and move along.
(5,177 posts)
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)They went away for me. Diet plays a role.
If you are bothered by hot flashes, try modifying your diet. Alcohol, coffee, and red meat can aggravate the problem.
(19,707 posts)When I do get them, they're less intense than they were at the height of perimenopause.
I've been having Fun with Night Sweats(tm) lately. Just enough that I wake up during the night and have to change my nightgown because it's damp and clammy around my neck and shoulders.
(21,256 posts)He asked me how long my mother was in menopause and I said..forever! Luckily, I dont have that problem but ever once in a while I have a power surge..not bad at all now.
(27,427 posts)Have never come back.
I'm 74, went through menopause 20 years ago.
I would think that if they persist for more than a few years, you should see if there is anything you can do about them.
(16,903 posts)
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)if, indeed, related to reproductive hormone changes. Were you ever prescribed or considered medical HRT or bioavailable hormone adjustments during or post peri-menopause/menopause? I'm guessing that hot flashes could also be otherwise metabolically related, so ask your doctor, gynecologist, endocrinologist, or a naturopathic women's specialist (usually not covered by insurance) what might be right for you based on your history and/or testing.
I took prempro for a long time, for hot flashes, but mainly for osteoporosis. I quit taking it a couple years ago and they came back, off and on. I quit taking prempro because I started Prolia for osteoporosis, now I have taken my limit for Prolia and had to get an infusion of another drug to take the place of it. I cant take those drugs for osteoporosis by mouth because they cause extreme stomach pain.
(24,435 posts)But I had enough other stress going on at the time, they may have just blended in.